Title |
Updating the Hoover Dam documents, 1978 / Milton N. Nathanson. |
Creator |
Nathanson, Milton N. |
Subject |
Water resources development -- Law and legislation; rivers |
Spatial Coverage |
Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) |
OCR Text |
Show Updating the Hoover Dam documents, 1978 / Milton N. Nathanson. |
Publisher |
[Denver, Colo.?] : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation : [For sale by] the Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center ; Washington, D.C. : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1980. |
Contributors |
United States.; Bureau of Reclamation. |
Date |
1978 |
Type |
Text |
Format |
application/pdf |
Digitization Specifications |
Pages were scanned at 400 ppi on Fujitsu fi-5650C sheetfed scanner as 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit RGB uncompressed TIFF images. For ContentDM access the images were resampled to 750 pixels wide and 120 dpi and saved as JPEG (level 8) in PhotoShop CS with Unsharp Mask of 100/.3. Foldout pages larger than 11" x 14" were captured using a BetterLight Super 8K-2 digital camera back on a 4x5 view camera (100mm Schneider APO lens). Oversize images were resampled to 1500 pixels wide. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) by ABBYY FineReader 7.0 with manual review. |
Language |
eng |
Rights Management |
Digital Image Copyright 2005, University of Utah. All Rights Reserved. |
Contributing Institution |
Documents Division (ML), Gov Docs, U.S. Lvl , J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah, 295 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860 |
Source Physical Dimensions |
xii, 342 p. : ill. (part col.), col maps (1 fold. inserted) ; 27 cm. |
Scanning Technician |
Backstage Library Works - 1180 S. 800 E. Orem, UT 84097. |
Call Number |
I27.2: H76/ 7/978 |
ark:/87278/s690233n |
Setname |
wwdl_documents |
ID |
1137085 |
Reference URL |
https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s690233n |
Title |
page I-65 |
OCR Text |
Show APPENDIX I 1-65 35 [T.S. 994] is correspondingly reduced and if aumentado, si el volumen de agua the limitations as to rates of de- que se entregue de acuerdo con la livery under each schedule are Tabla II se redujere en el mismo correspondingly increased and volumen y si las limitaciones en reduced. cuanto a gastos de entrega estipu- lados para cada tabla se aumentan y se rediicen correspondientemente. IV - TIJUANA RIVER IV - RIO TIJUANA Article 16 Articulo 16 In order to improve existing Con el objeto de mejorar los uses and to assure any feasible usos existentes y de asegurar cual-further development, the Commis- quier desarrollo futuro factible, la sion shall study and investigate, Comisi6n estudiara, investigara y and shall submit to the two Gov- sometera a los dos Gobiernos para ernments for their approval: su aprobaci6n: (1) Recommendations for the (1) Recomendaciones para la equitable distribution between the distribuci6n equitativa entre los two countries of the waters of the dos paises de las aguas del sistema Tijuana River system; del rio Tijuana; (2) Plans for storage and flood (2) Proyectos de almacenamien-control to promote and develop to y control de avenidas a fin domestic, irrigation and other de fomentar y desarrollar los usos feasible uses of the waters of this domesticos, de irrigaci6n y demas system; usos factibles de las aguas de este sistema; (3) An estimate of the cost of (3) Estimaciones de los costos the proposed works and the man- de las obras propuestas y de la ner in which the construction of forma en que la construcci6n de such works or the cost thereof dichas obras o los costos de las should be divided between the mismas deberan ser divididos entre two Governments; los dos Gobiernos; (4) Recommendations regard- (4) Recomendaciones respecto ing the parts of the works to be de las partes de las obras que operated and maintained by the deberan ser operadas y mantenidas Commission and the parts to be por la Comisi6n y las partes de operated and maintained by each las mismas que deberan ser opera-Section, das y mantenidas por cada Section. The two Governments through Los dos Gobiernos, cada uno their respective Sections of the por conducto de sus respectivas Commission shall construct such Secciones de la Comision, cons-of the proposed works as are truiran las obras que propongan |
Format |
application/pdf |
Resource Identifier |
310325-UUM-UHD-v31a1_page I-65.jpg |
Source |
Original book: Updating the Hoover Dam documents, 1978 / Milton N. Nathanson. |
Setname |
wwdl_documents |
ID |
1136601 |
Reference URL |
https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s690233n/1136601 |