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Show XII-6 UPDATING THE HOOVER DAM DOCUMENTS 4 1 Central Arizona project to investigate, plan, construct, oper- 2 ate, and maintain public recreation facilities including access 3 roads, to acquire or to withdraw from entry or other disposi- 4 tion under the public land laws such adjacent lands or interests 5 therein as are necessary for present and future public recrea- 6 tion use, and to provide for public use and enjoyment of the 7 same and of the water areas of the project in a manner con- 8 sistent with the other project purposes. The Secretary is 9 authorized to enter into agreements with State or local public 10 agencies or other public entities for the operation, main-H tenance, or additional development of project lands or facili- 12 ties to State or local agencies or other public entities by lease, 13 transfer, exchange or conveyance, upon such terms and condi- 14 tions as will best promote their development and operation 15 in the public interest for recreation purposes. The cost of the 16 undertakings described in this section, including costs of in- 17 vestigation, planning, operation, and maintenance and an ap- 18 propriate share of the joint costs of the Central Arizona 19 project shall be nonreimbursable. 20 (b) The Secretary may make such reasonable provision 21 in connection with the Central Arizona project as, upon fur- 22 ther study in accordance with section 2 of the Fish and 23 Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 24 U.S.C. 661, 662), he finds to be required for the conserva- 25 tion and development of fish and wildlife. An appropriate |