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Show APPENDIX I 1-77 47 [T.S. 994] ters) and up to 40,000 acre-feet determinado, un volumen hasta (49,340,000 cubic meters) in any de 49 340 000 metros ciibicos -one year; that the water shall be (40 000 acres pies); que el agua se made available as requested at abastecera a medida que sea solici-rates not exceeding 750 cubic feet tada y en gastos que no excedan de (21.2 cubic meters) per second; 21.2 metros ciibicos (750 pies that when the rates of flow re- cubicos) por segundo; que cuando quested and made available have los gastos solicitados y abastecidos been more than 500 cubic feet excedan de 14.2 metros cubicos (14.2 cubic meters) per second the (500 pies cubicos) por segundo, el period of release shall not extend periodo de extracci6n no se pro-beyond fifteen consecutive days; longara por mas de 15 dias con-and that at least thirty days must secutivos; y que deberan trans-elapse between any two periods of currir cuando menos treinta dias release during which rates of flow entre dos extracciones en el caso de in excess of 500 cubic feet (14.2 que se hay an abastecido solici-«ubic meters) per second have been tudes para gastos mayores de 14.2 requested and made available. In metros cubicos (500 pies cubicos) addition to the guaranteed flow, por segundo. Ademas de los voM-Mexico shall release from El menes garantizados, Mexico de-Azucar reservoir and conduct jara salir de la presa de El Azucar through its canal system and the y conducira por su sistema de San Juan River, for use in the canales y el rlo San Juan, para su United States during periods of uso en los Estados Unidos, du-drought and after satisfying the rante los periodos de sequia y needs of Mexican users, any excess despues de haber satisfecho todos water that does not in the opinion los requerimientos de los usuarios of the Mexican Section have to be mexicanos, aquellas aguas exce-stored and that may be needed for dentes que, a juicio de la Secci6n the irrigation of lands which were Mexicana no necesiten almace-under irrigation during the year narse, para ayudar al riego de las 1943 in the Lower Rio Grande tierras que, en el afio de 1943, se Valley in the United States. regaban, en el citado valle del Bajo Rio Bravo (Grande) en los Estados Unidos. Article 27 Articulo 27 The provisions of Article 10, 11, Durante un lapso de cinco afios, and 15 of this Treaty shall not be contados a partir de la fecha en applied during a period of five que principle la vigencia de este years from the date of the entry Tratado, o hasta que puestas en into force of this Treaty, or until operaci6n la Presa Davis y la the Davis dam and the major estructura mexicana principal de Mexican diversion structure on derivaci6n en el rio Colorado, si se the Colorado River are placed in ponen en operaci6n estas obras |