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Show 1-32 UPDATING THE HOOVER DAM DOCUMENTS The Government of the United Los Gobiernos de los Estados States of America and the Govern- Unidos de America y de los ment of the United Mexican Estados Unidos Mexicanos: ani-States: animated by the sincere mados por el franco esplritu de spirit of cordiality and friendly cordialidad y de amistosa coopera-cooperation which happily governs ci6n que felizmente norma sus the relations between them; taking relaciones; tomando en cuenta que into account the fact that Articles los Artlculos VI y VII del Tratado VI and VII of the Treaty of Peace, de Paz, Amistad y Limites entre Friendship and Limits between the los Estados Unidos de America United States of America and the y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, United Mexican States signed at firmado en Guadalupe Hidalgo, el Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 2 de febrero de 1848, y el Artlculo 1848, [l] and Article IV of the IV del tratado de limites entre los boundary treaty between the two dos paises, firmado en la ciudad de countries signed at the City of Mexico el 30 de diciembre de 1853, Mexico December 30, 1853 [2] reglamentan unicamente para fines regulate the use of the waters of de navegaci6n el uso de las aguas the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) and de los rios Bravo (Grande) y the Colorado River for purposes Colorado; considerando que a los of navigation only; considering intereses de ambos paises conviene that the utilization of these waters el aprovechamiento de esas aguas for other purposes is desirable in en otros usos y consumos y the interest of both countries, and deseando, por otra parte, fijar y desiring, moreover, to fix and de- delimitar claramente los derechos limit the rights of the two coun- de las dos Republicas sobre los tries with respect to the waters of rios Colorado y Tijuana y sobre the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers, el rlo Bravo (Grande), de Fort and of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) Quitman, Texas, Estados Unidos from Fort Quitman, Texas, United de America, al Golfo de Mexico, States of America, to the Gulf of a fin de obtener su utilizaci6n mas Mexico, in order to obtain the completa y satisfactoria, han re-most complete and satisfactory suelto celebrar un tratado y, al utilization thereof, have resolved efecto, han nombrado como sus to conclude a treaty and for this plenipotenciarios: purpose have named as their plenipotentiaries: The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados States of America: Unidos de America: 1 [Treaty Series 207; 9 Stat. 922; 18 Stat. (pt. 2, Public Treaties) 492.] «ITreaty Series 208; 10 Stat. 1031; 18 Stat. (pt. 2, Public Treaties) 503.] (2) |