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Show APPENDIX VI VI-43 3S COLORADO RIVER STORAGE PROJECT Principles To Govern, and Operating Criteria for Glen Canyon Reservoir (Lake Powell) and Lake Mead During the Lake Powell Filling Period," and of a set of tabular forms illustrating computations associated with the filling criteria, has been received. Your letter requests comments on additional regulation No. I. That regulation is, of course, a byproduct of the filling criteria.* Those criteria do not provide suflficicni basis for a responsible evaluation of their effect upon Hoover, Davis, and Parker interests. Questions raised in my August 3, 1961, letter to Senator Havden, a copy of which we understand has been furnished Secretary Udall, remain unanswered. Consequently, we must decline to comment upon additional regulation No. 1 and continue to urge discussion of the matters raised first in the Bureau's Los Angeles meeting of April 20, 1961, and subsequently in my letter to Senator Hayden. Sincerely, Arizona Power Authority, C. A. Calhoun, Chairman. California Elkctric Power Co.. San Bernardino, Calif.. May 3. 1902. Hon. Floyd E. Domixy, Contm'txxioner ofthe Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Domixy: We have received your letter of April 4, transmitting copy of "General Principles To Govern, and Operating Criteria for Glen Canyon Reservoir (Lake Powell) and Lake Mead During the Lake Powell Filling Period," and additional regulation Xo. 1 concerning the paying back of electrical energy costs after June 1. 1987. if these costs are incurred while filling Lake Powell. You have asked for our comments on this additional regulation. We would first desire to say that we feel the additional regulation is unfair to the Hoover contractors by forcing them to pay for a power loss caused by the filling of Lake Powell. This cost should be paid for by the upper basin States, who will receive the benefits from Glen Canyon Dam. If. however, the Hoover contrnetors must stand the cost, we prefer to see the funds repaid after 1987. but the moneys used should be repaid without interest. Even though yo\iv letter indicates that "General Principles To Govern, and Operating Criteria for Glen Canyon Reservoir and Lake Mead During the Lake Powell Filling Period" has been approved by the Secretary as of April 2, 1962, we desire to inform you that we still feel that Hoover allottees are being discriminated against by allowing Lake Mead to drop to 14l£ million acre-feet during the filling of Lake Powell to its highest elevation, rather than 17 million acre-feet which is surface storage you agree to maintain in Lake Mead after Lake Powell is filled. This low elevation water content will decrease our kilowatt capacity and could seriously decrease the energy available to each contractor. Also under these general principles, if an allowance is made by delivering energy to an affected Hoover contractor, we desire that such energy be delivered at times needed, as determined by the contractor. Very truly yours, W. T. Johnson. |