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Show 550 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE [Nov. 18, femur just ventral to the insertion of the sartorius from the fascia covering the fore part of knee and for some distance below from the cnemial crest of the tibia, and from the fascia between it and the tibialis anticus near the upper end of the latter. Fig. 3. Muscles of leg of Scopus umbretta. a, Adductor; st, semitendinosus; Ast, accessory semitendinosus; sm, semimembranosus ; g, g2, g3, gA, gastrocnemius. The arrangement of the gastrocnemius and the adjacent muscles will be understood from the accompanying figures (fig. 3). 17. The plantaris is a small slender muscle ; it arises from the hinder part of tibia on inside of the leg posterior to the insertion of the semimembranosus. 18-19. The superficial flexor tendons are like those of other birds ; the flexor perforatum et perforans supplying the 2nd and 3rd digits, while the flexor perforatus supplies the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The deep tendons (see fig. 4) have rather a peculiar arrangement. 20-21. The tendon of the flexor hallucis is connected with the flexor profundus by a vinculum just before the latter divides into the tendons of the several digits ; it also gives off a special slip, which joins the branch of the flexor profundus going to the 2nd digit. 22. There is but one peroneus present; it arises chiefly from the fascia covering the tibialis anticus and from the crest of the tibia ; its |