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Show LIST OF PLATES. 1884. PART III. N Plate Page XXII. "1 New terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca from tbe ' Ohal- \ or-a XXIII./ lenger' Expedition ' J J0H XXIV. Fig. 1. Chlorospingus ochraceus ; Fig. 2. Spermophila pauper 281 XXV. Lepidoptera from Dominica 314 XXVI. 1 * XXVII. L Mollusca of the ' Lightning' and ' Porcupine' Expeditions.. 341 XXVIII. J XXIX. Phalangista archeri " XXX. Phalangista herbertensis: 1, 8 * 2, $ i .,„. XXXI. Phalangista lemuroides XXXII. Dendrolagus lumholtzi XXXIII. Sphingurus spinosus 389 XXXIV. Hybrid Bovines 1 „QQ XXXV. Hybrid Bovine J aw XXXVI. Sitta whiteheadi, 8 et $ 414 XXXVII. Salpornis emini 415 XXXVIII. Lacerta viridis, var. gadovii 418 X X XyITX f Species of Teracolus 434 XLI. Lumpenus lampetriformis 445 -^-p -.j f Fig. 1. Hesperomys laticeps, var. nitidus " " { Fig. 2. Hesperomys bimaculatus, var. lepidus T T T T T 'Fig. 1. Hesperomys scalops Aljiii. | K g 2> R^eit^rodon pictus XLIV. Skulls and other characters of Peruvian Mu$idoe ? 447 NOTICE. According to present arrangements the' Proceedings' are issued in four parts, as follows:- Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June 1st. II. i, „ „ March and April, on August 1st. Ill- ,. » >. May and June, on October 1st. IV. „ „ „ November and December, on April 1st. The price is 12s. per part for the edition with coloured, and 3s. per part for that with uncoloured Plates. |