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Show 168 MR. *W. R. O. GRANT ON THE [Mar. 4, 20. SICYDIUM MACROSTETHOLEPIS, Bleeker. Sicydium macrostetholepis, Bleeker, Sumatra, ii. p. 271 ; Kner, SB. Ak. Wien, lviii. p. 327. Sicyopterus macrostetholepis, Bleeker, Versl. Ak. Amst. (2) ix. p. 281. D. 6rrVo A. ~. L. lat. 50. L. trans. 14-15. 11-Iii' 10-11 (Teeth in the upper jaw tricuspid ?) A row of papillae on the gum beneath the upper lip ; horizontal teeth conspicuous. The total length of the body (without the caudal) is four and a half times the length of the head ; the width of the head is greater than the height and three quarters of the length. The height of the body is rather more than one sixth of the length. Scales on the anterior part of the body much larger than those on the neck, posterior part of the body, and tail. Diameter of the eye is about one fifth of the length of the head, and rather more than half the interorbital space. The maxilla extends to the vertical from the posterior margin of the eye. The lengths of the pectoral, caudal, and head are subequal ; the length of the caudal is contained about five and a half times in the total length. The second, third, and fourth dorsal spines are produced into short filaments; the third, which is the longest, is higher than the body. Second dorsal higher than the body. Colour blackish-green above, be;- coming lighter below. Five or six dark transverse bands on the back ; fins brownish-purple; dorsal fins sometimes with numerous irregular black dots, anal with a black marginal band ; caudal black-spotted with a horseshoe-like black mark ; pectoral yellow-edged. The largest specimen measures 4-fe inches (Bleel\). Hab. Rivers of West Sumatra, Bali, Amboina, and Siugapura. 21. SICYDIUM FASCIATUM, Day. Sicydium fa sciatum, Day, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. (n. s.) xliii. p. 31, et Fishes of India, p. 299, pi. lxiv. fig. 7. D. 6rn. A. 11. L. lat. 67. L. trans. 19. (Teeth in the upper jaw tricuspid ?) Horizontal teeth conspicuous. The total length of the body (without the caudal) is four and a quarter times the length of the head ; the width of the head is greater than the height, and rather less than two thirds of the length. The height of the body is contained four and a half times in the length. Scales strongly ctenoid, somewhat irregularly arranged ; they extend forwards nearly as far as the eyes ; those on the neck and belly smaller than the rest, and more or less cycloid. The diameter of the eye is contained four and a half times in the length of the head, once and three quarters in the interorbital space, and once and a half in the snout. The length of the pectoral and caudal is subequal, nearly as long as the head ; the caudal is contained five |