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Show 494 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [Nov. 4, This species appears to be common in Angola, whence most of Hewitson's specimens were obtained; we have one example from Angola and one from Abyssinia. HETEROCERA. In addition to the specimens received from Major Yerbury, we possess a small series presented by Col. Swinhoe, which I propose to include in this list, when in sufficiently good order for identification ; as, however, this series was preserved in spirit, it is not surprising to find that some of the specimens are unrecognizable. SPHINGID^E. 43. LOPHURA NANA. Lophura nana, Walker, Lep. Het. viii. p. 107, n. 4 (1856). Aden (from chrysalis), 8th April, 1884. The remainder of the Moths are only numbered, no notes accompanying them; the type was from Natal. 44. BASIOTHEA IDRICUS. Sphinx idricus, Drury, 111. Nat. Hist. iii. p. 2, pi. 2. fig. 2 (1773). Aden. W e have the species from Natal, Sierra Leone, and Abyssinia. 45. CHCEROCAMPA CELERIO. Sphinx celerio, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 800 (1766). Two examples, Aden. W e have this widely distributed species from Abyssinia (a locality not recorded in m y Revision of the family). 46. DEILEPHILA LIVORNICA. Sphinx livornica, Esper, Ausl. Schmett. ii. pp. 87, 196, pi. 8. fig. 4(1785). cf, Aden. A single specimen, rather darker than Turkish examples, but evidently to be referred to the same species. 47. DAPHNIS NERII. Sphinx nerii, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 798, n. 5 (1/66). 2, Aden. A pale example, and therefore not of the African type. 48. PROTOPARCE ORIENTALIS. Protoparce orientalis, Butler, Trans. Zool. Soc. 1876, vol. ix p. 609, n. 21, pi. 91. figs. 16, 17. 8, Aden. One slightly rubbed specimen of this Eastern form of P. con-olvuli. |