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Show 156 MR. W. R. O. GRANT ON THE [Mar. 4, margin of the eye. D. 6 ^ . A. j ^ . L. trans. 17 18. S. cynocephalum. . e. -Caudal longer than the head, yellow with a broad violet band round the margin; diameter of eye about half the interorbital space; maxilla extends to the vertical from the middle of the eye. D: 6r„^=. A..j~' L. trans. 14 19. S.parvei*. ?. The caudal is as long as the head and has a black horse-shoe-like marginal band; diameter of the eye more than half the interorbital space. D. 6.._,„-. A. .„.:. L. trans. 14 20. S.macrostetholepis*. c. Scales on the neck and belly smaller than the rest, which are equal. a. Maxilla extends to the vertical from the middle of the eye. Colour reddish brown, with six transverse bands and scattered spots of darker. D, 6-. A. 11. L. trans. 19 21. S.fasciatum*. /3. Maxilla extends to the vertical from the anterior margin of the eye; caudal one and a half times the length of the head ; colour deep violet with longitudinal series of yellow spots. D. 6-^jj. A. j ^ - . L. trans. 15 22. S. microcephalia*. y. Maxilla does not extend to the vertical from the middle of the eye. Colour brownish, with eight or nine rings surrounding the body. D. 6^- A. 11 23. S. griseum*. d. First dorsal with seven spines. a. Last ray of the dorsal only slightly produced into a short point; belly naked. D. 7 -. A..- 24. S.parvipinne*. Anterior mandibular teeth not larger than the following. 1. SICYDIUM PLUMIERI, Bl. (C & V.). (Plate XL fig. 1 et XTI. fig. 5.) Gobius plumieri, Bl. v. p. 125, pi. 178, fig. 3 ; Bl. Schn. p. 69; Lacep. ii. pp. 537 and 562, pi. 15, fig. 2. Sicydium plumieri, Cuv. & Val. xii. p. 168; Gill, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1860, p. 101; Giinth. Cat. Fish. iii. p. 9 2 ; Bleeker, Arch. Ncerl. ix. p. 313. D. 6^0. A. rj=. L. lat. ca. 84. Teeth in the upper jaw long, slender, and bent inwards at about right angles ; only the extremities cut the gum. A single row of inconspicuous papillae on the gum beneath the upper lip, with a larger median papilla above the maxillary suture ; a median cleft in |