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Show xviii Page Heads of varieties of Ovis poll 32*3 Figure of lower portion of the body of Holothuria nigra 374 Salmo levenensis, 29 and 43 days old ; S. fontinalis 3, S. levenensis 2, 27 days old- S. solar 3, S. levenensis $, 27, 41, and 91 days old ; 377 Phalangista archeri, 2 ; skull seen from above 382 Phalangista archeri, 3 • side view of skull 383 Phalangista herbertensis, 2 * skull seen from above 384 Phalangista herbertensis, 2 ; side view of skull 385 Phalangista lemuroides, 2 ; skull seen from above 386 Phalangista lemuroides, § ; side view of skull 387 Dendrolagus lumholtzi, skull seen from above, and side view 388 Cygnets of Cygnus nigricollis 390 Hand of Ilapalemur griseus 393 Liver of Ilapalemur griseus , 396 Anomala forbesi 404 Temnorhynchus cribratus and Gnathoeera sericinitens 405 Tail-end of Remora, with wrought-iron hand and ring; ditto, with ring fixed on by wire 412 Syrinx of Scopus umbretta 544 Muscles and tendon of patagium of Scopus umbretta 546 Muscles of leg of Scopus umbretta 550 Deep plantar tendons of Scopus umbretta 551 Three views of the human superior maxilla 569 Diagrammatic view of the Eustachian cartilage and related nerves. . 571 Chondro-cranium of a human foetus at the third month 572 Heads of male and female Otago Trout 590 Head of Lochleven Trout 591 Ovis ophion, front view of horns 594 Ovis ophion, side view of head with horns 594 |