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Show 1884.] LEPIDOPTERA FROM THE LOWER NIGER. 227 HESPERIDA 49. PYRGUS VINDEX. Papilio vindex, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 353. f. G, H. Pyrgus vindex, Doubl. & Hew. Gen. Diurn. Lep. t. 79. f. 6; Trim. Rhop. Afr. Austr. p. 287. A single specimen. 50. PAMPHILA BORBONICA. Hesperia borbonica, Boisd. Faun. Mad. p. 65, t. 9. f. 5, 6. Pamphila borbonica, Trim. Rhop. Afr. Austr. p. 303. Two specimens. HETEROCERA. By H. DRUCE. AGARISTIDJE. 1. iEGOCERA LATREILLII, Herrich-Schiiffer, Aussi. Schmett. t. 5. fig. 19. Mgocera magna,Wa\k. Cat. i. p. 56. 2. TEGOCERA RECTILINEA, Boisd. Spec. gen. Le'p. i. t. 14. fig. 5. ARCTIID^;. 3. A L O A PUNCTIVITTA, Walk. Cat. iii. p. 673. The specimens agree well with the type in the British Museum from South Africa. NYCTEMERID^E. 4. ALETIS FORBESI, sp. n. (Plate XVII. fig. 4.) Pale chrome yellow; primaries with the apical third black, including a transverse white patch and two posterior white spots. Secondaries with a narrow marginal black band, which includes seven elongated white spots. Antennae of male black, deeply pectinated. The thorax I believe to be black, but it is so much rubbed that I cannot be certain upon this point. Abdomen yellow, with the segments banded with black. Legs yellow. The undersides the same as above. The female agrees in all respects with the male, except that the antennae are not pectinated. Expanse 1 f inch. A small species, very distinct from any described. I have had two specimens in my collection for some time, one from Old Calabar and the other from the Cameroons: they agree in all respects with those from the Niger. The Cameroons example is a female ; it is rather larger, measuring nearly two inches across the wings. LlTHOSIID^E. 5. DEIOPEIA PULCHELLA, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2. 884, 349. |