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Show 54 MR. R. B. SHARPE ON A NEW LANIARIUS. [Feb. 5, in question and M. tristis, of which the main characteristics consist the presence of a well-developed lobulus. Without having seen a specimen of the last-named form, I venture nevertheless to express an opinion as to its validity as a species. Hab. South Australia, 3, Description of a new Species of Laniarius from Ashantee. By R. B O W D L E R SHARPE, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c, Department of Zoology, British Museum. [Received January 30, 1884.] (Plate V.) Mr. Godfrey Lagden, who has recently returned from Ashantee, has presented some specimens of birds to the British Museum, amongst which is an example of the present species, a typical Laniarius, of the same group as L. poliocephalus and L. hypopyrrhus, & c, but differing from all in the absence of white lores, the whole of the side-face being dark slaty grey like the crown. I propose for it the name of L. lagdeni, after its discoverer. LANIARIUS LAGDENI, sp. n. (Plate V.) Similis L. poliocephalo sed loris et facie laterali saturate schistaceis pileo concoloribus distinguendus. Adult. General colour above dark olive-greenish, the upper tail-coverts rather yellower and edged with bright yellow at their ends; scapulars like the back ; wing-coverts black, broadly margined with bright yellow; bastard-wing and primary-coverts entirely black; quills black, externally olive-greenish, the inner secondaries broadly tipped with yellow, before which is a conspicuous subterminal shade of black ; tail-feathers olive-greenish with black shafts, and tipped with yellow, more broadly on the outer feathers: head, hind neck, and upper mantle dark slaty grey, as well as the sides of the neck ; lores, sides of face, cheeks, and ear-coverts a shade darker slaty grey than the crown ; throat and fore neck brilliant orange, the rest of the under surface bright yellow, the orange colour gradually shading off on to the breast from the throat; under wing-coverts and axillaries bright yellow, as also the edge of the wing; quills dusky below, yellow along the inner web. Total length 10*5 inches, culmen 1*2, wing 4*55, tail 4*4, tarsus 1*35. Hub. Ashantee, West Africa (Godfrey Lagden). Type in Brit. Mus. |