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Show 504 LIEUT.-COL. C. SWINHOE ON [Nov. 4, coast; I did not take a single specimen during the whole of 1880. Is common, however, in the interior of Sind. 2. SALATURA GENUTIA. Pap. genutia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pi. 206. f. C, D (1782). Four sent me by Mr. Murray, the Curator of the Kurrachee Museum, taken on the 28th of July, and two taken on the 2nd of August; the above note applies also to this species. 3. LIMNAS CHRYSIPPUS. Pap. chrysippus, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 263 (1764). Common at Kurrachee all the year through, as it is all through Sind. 4. LIMNAS DORIPPUS. Euplcea dorippus, Klug, Symb. Phys. pi. 48. f. 1-5 (1845). Never common at Kurrachee ; but an odd specimen was taken by me personally in August, November, and December, 1879, and in January, June, and September, 1880, and one example sent me by Mr. Murray, taken in July 1882. I have no record of it from the interior. The Kurrachee examples show no differences from the few examples in my collection, which were taken in other parts of India -one at Poona, December 1882; one at Kahandalla, October 1882; and two in Bombay, August 1883 ; but they are not identical with my Aden examples, nearly all of which show more or less white on the upper surface of the hind wings, like Klug's type figured in his plate. 5. LIMNAS ALCIPPUS. Pap. alcippus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. pi. 127. f. E, F (1779). Taken at Kurrachee-one in January 1879, and eleven in November and December, 1882. The white on the hind wings varies much: in some it is hardly sufficient to distinguish it from L. chrysippus. SATYRIN^E. 6. MELANITIS LEDA. Pap. leda, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 773, n. 151 (1767). One taken by me at Kurrachee ; but the date was not recorded. 7. MELANITIS ISMENE. Pap. ismene, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pi. 26. f. A, B (1775). One in the Kurrachee Museum, labelled Kurrachee, but without date. Both the above are apparently common in places in the interior (I have specimens of both kinds from Hydrabad) ; but are apparently very rare on the coast. I observed none at Soumiani, and Mr. Murray failed to send me any from Kurrachee after the heavy raiu in 1882. |