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Show 616 MR. R. B. SHARPE ON THE [Nov. 17, Chersomanes africana, Cab. Mus. Hein. Th. i. p. 126 (1850). Alamort africana, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 39 (1854). Certhilauda capensis, Gray, Handl. B. ii. p. 120 (1870). Adult. Above brown, slightly washed with sandy colour and streaked with dark brown centres to the feathers, many of which are tipped with whitish ; hind neck greyish ; wing-coverts darker brown, washed with sandy colour on the outer web, and tipped with whitish, the primary coverts narrowly tipped with the latter colour also ; quills ashy brown, narrowly margined with sandy buff, the innermost secondaries with a broad whitish margin ; rump and upper tail-coverts sandy rufous, with dark brown central streaks to the feathers; upper tail-coverts ashy brown, darker brown in the centre of the feathers ; tail-feathers dark brown, narrowly margined with ashy fulvous, the two middle ones washed with greyish, the outermost margined and tipped with pale sandy buff; a very distinct eyebrow creamy white; feathers under the eye dusky white, those in front of the latter blackish ; ear-coverts dull sandy colour ; cheeks whitish, minutely spotted with black ; chin white; rest of under surface buffy white, the breast slightly washed with sandy colour, the lower throat, fore neck, and breast plentifully marked with triangular spots of black, larger and more longitudinal on the lower breast and sides of the body ; sides of the upper breast shaded with ashy ; under wing-coverts sandy buff, the outermost minutely spotted with dark brown, the lower series ashy brown, like the inner lining of the wing, the inner webs being pale rufous near the base; under tail-coverts white, broadly streaked down the centre with black ; " bill yellowish brown, shaded with umber-brown ; legs and toes clear buff-orange, tinted with flesh-red ; claws yellowish brown, shaded with umber-brown ; iris dark brown" (Sir A. Smith). Total length 7*4 inches; culmen P05, wing 3*9, tail 3*0, tarsus 1-15- Female. Coloured like the male (Sir A. Smith). Hab. South Africa: " common in most parts of the colony" (Layard); Natal (Ayres). Specimens examined. E mus. R. B. S.:-a, ad. S. Africa (E. L. Layard). b, c. George, S. Africa (H. Atmore). E mus. H. B. Tristram : -a. South Africa (E. L. Layard). 2. CERTHILAUDA GARRULA. Certhilauda garrula, Smith, 111. Zool. S. Afr. pi. cvi. fig. 1 (1849); Bp. Consp. i. p. 246 (1850); Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 216 (1867); Gray, Hand-1. B. ii. p. 121 (1870). Chersomanes garrula, Cab. Mus. Hein. Th. i. p. 126 (1850). Alauda garrula, Giebel, Thes. Orn. i. p. 296 (1872). Adult male (type of species). Above very dark brown, with narrow margins of sandy fulvous, the hind neck inclining to ashy grey, |