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Show 684 APPENDIX. Feb. 28. 1 Collared Peccary (Dicotyles tajacu). Deposited. 1 Galapagan Tortoise (Testudo elephantopus). Deposited. 2 Blue-tailed Lories (Lorius tricolor). Purchased. Mar. 3. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolyus), $. Presented by Mr. T. Waight. 1 Goshawk (Astur palumbarius). Presented by Mr. Gerald Lascelles. 1 Ditto. Deposited. 2 Common Crowned Pig-eons (Goura coronata). Purchased. 1 Common Cassowary (Casuariusyaleatus). Purchased. 1 Blue-streaked Lory (Eos reticulata). Purchased. 1 Red Lory (Eos rubra). Purchased. 5. 2 Spotted Turtledoves (Turtur suratensis). Received in exchange. 6. 2 Love-bird Parrakeets (Agapornis pullarid). Purchased. 2 Verreaux's Guinea-fowls (Numida eduardi). Purchased. 1 White-throated Violet Pigeon (Ianthamas leucolama). Purchased. 7. 1 Negro Tamarin (Midas ursulus), 3. Presented by Mr* W . Thomson. 1 Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus), $. Purchased. See above, p. 182. 9. 1 Finsch's Amazon (Chrysotis finschi). Presented by Mrs. Chivers. See above, p. 206, Plate XXXIV. 1 Blue-and-Yellow Maccaw (Ara ararauna). Presented by Miss J. Staines. 1 Starred Tortoise (Testudo stellata). Presented by Capt. Smelley. 1.0. 1 Pintail Duck (Dafila acuta), 3 . Presented by Mr. J. Bailev, jun., F.Z.S. 12. 1 Common Otter (Lutra vulgaris), &. Presented by Dr. Stafford. 14. 1 Cornish Chough (Fregilus graculus). Presented by Mr. J. T. Hewes. 15. 1 Virginian Deer (Cervus virginianus), $. Presented by Mr. N. M. Bateson. 16. 2 Three-striped Squirrels (Sciurus tristriatus), 2 • Presented by Capt. Forster. From Ceylon. 17. 1 Sonnerat's Jungle-fowl (Gallus sonnerati), 3 • Presented by Mrs. White. 19. 2 Tench (Tinea vulgaris). Presented hy Mr. W . Arnold. 3 Barbary Sheep (Ovis tragelaphus), 1 3 and 2 $. Born in the Menagerie. 20. 1 Black-eared Marmoset (Hapale penicillata). Presented by Mr. F. Graham. 2Biatbills (Cancroma cochlearia). Purchased. 21. 1 Leadbeater's Cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri). Presented by Col. Caiington. 23. 1 Wheatear (Saxicola cenanthe), 3 • Purchased. 24. 2 Laughing Kingfishers (Dacelo yigantea). Presented by Mr. J. F. Hay ward. 2 Egyptian Geese (Chenalopex ceyyptiaca), 3 and $. Deposited. 20. 1 Common Buzzard (Buteo rulyaris). Presented by Mr C Mills. 28. 1 Eland (Oreas canna). Born in the Menagerie. |