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Show 488 DR. MURIE ON FREGILUPUS VARIUS. [June 16, ward characteristics and habits weigh, the balance sways towards the Pastoridae. Sundevall's term, Crested Starling, to Fregilupus is apt, but equally applicable to species of Pastor. If the present view of affinities be the correct one, additional interest is attached to the Mascarene form in its geographical isolation, distinctive individuality, and withal intermediation, one might say, between Asiatic, European, and African Sturnidae. It partially supports those who uphold the Madagascar group as a faunal centre, but it no less confirms those who promulgate an eastern avian connexion with the said islands. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. PLATE LXI. Fig. 1. Drawing of the skeleton of Fregilupus varius in the possession of Prof. Newton at Cambridge. Specimen labelled " Fregilupus varius $, Reunion (J. P. Verreaux),No. 974a, Osteoth. Newt. M S . Cat." Sketched of natural size, and with the right foot and tarsus covered by its integument. P L A T E LXII. Fig. 2. Tongue and hyoid bones, from above. This and all the figures, excepting Nos. 23 and 24, are of natural dimensions. 3. Sternum and right half of the shoulder-girdle, underview. 4. Left ulna, on inner or flexor aspect. 5. Humerus of left side; its inner aspect. 6. The same bone; outside view. 7. Its posterior face, showing double fossa of pneumatic cavity &c. 8. Upper extremity of the left humerus; its anterior surface placed superiorly. 9. Lower humeral end; anterior surface situated inferiorly. 10. The lower jaw, from above. 11. Lower or palatal surface of skull. 12. Left tibia and fibula, from behind. 13. Inner aspect of the left tibia. 14. Front surface of left tibia and fibula. 15. Upper articular ends of the same bones. 16. Lower tibial articular end. 17. Metacarpus and phalanges of left wing. 18. Occipital surface of skull. 19. Cranium, from above. 20. Sacrum and pelvis, upper view. 21. Left metatarsal ossicle; its inner free surface. 22. Exterior face of the same bone, or that in apposition with tarsus. 23. The upper articular end of left tarsus, represented twice the natural size. 24. Lower end of same bone, also enlarged two diameters. 25. Front surface of the left tarsus, entire. 26. Posterior aspect of same bone. 27. Its inner surface. 28. Left femur ; front view. 29. Posterior surface of same. 30. Upper end of the femur. 31. Lower end of left femur, anterior surface placed uppermost. [P.S. In Plate LXII. some of the figures, e.g. fig. 10, show a want of symmetry not present in the specimen. For this the artist on stone is free from blame; m y original drawings, I find, have led to the exaggeration in question.-Aug. 1874.] |