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Show 1874.] BUTTERFLIES OF COSTA RICA. 363 357. DISMORPHIA CITRINELLA. Leptalis citrinella, Felder, Wien. ent. Mon. v. p. 77. n. 18 (1861). 358. DISMORPHIA OTHOE. Leptalis othoe, Hewitson, Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 3, vol. v. p. 562. n. 3 (1867) ; Ex. Butt.iv. Lep. pi. 5. figs. 26-28 (1870). 359. DISMORPHIA PALLIDULA, n. sp. 3 2 • Wings above black-brown, more or less greyish towards base of primaries and inner margin of secondaries ; primaries with a broad oblique subovate postmedian costal spot, two small discal spots placed obliquely on each side of the lower radial, and a streak on centre of inner margin, creamy white; secondaries with a broad central patch, oval in male, subquadrate in female, creamy white; costal area of male with a large oval red-brown patch : wings below pale green ; the white spots of upper surface indicated by a paler tint, and margined with squamose brown streaks ; in the female the white band of primaries (which is larger than in the male) is clearly defined ; the discal area and upper half of cell are also black-brown, and the base is greyish; body above greyish brown ; pectus, palpi, and legs below clothed with white hairs ; abdomen with pale yellow ventral streak. Expanse, 3 1 inch 9 lines, $ 1 inch 10 lines. A pretty little species, allied to D. othoe of Hewitson. 360. DISMORPHIA FORTUNATA. Leptalis fortunata, Lucas, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, p. 55, pi. 3. fig. 1 (1854). Subfamily PAPILIONIN^E, Bates. Genus 114. PAPILIO, Linnaeus. 361. PAPILIO IPHIDAMAS. Papilio iphidamas, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. 3, i. p. 1 7. n. 52 (1 793). Differs from typical form in having only three red spots on upper surface of hind wings and two white spots on under surface of front wings. 362. PAPILIO LYCIMENES. Papilio lycimenes, Boisduval, Lep. Guat. p. 7 (1870). Papilio iphidamas, Gray (nee Fabr.), Cat. Lep. Ins. B. M. i. p. 44. n. 225, pi. 8. figs. 1, 2 (1852). 363, PAPILIO ERITHALION. Papilio erithalion, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep, i. p. 295. n. 125 (1836) ; Felder, Reise der Nov. Lep. i. p. 25. n. 15, pi. 16. fig. d (1865). 364. PAPILIO PHOTINUS. Papilio photinus, Doubleday, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xiv. p. 415 (1844) ; Gray, Cat. Lep. Ins. B. M. i. p. 65. n. 287, pi. 11. fig. 2 (1852). 24* |