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Show 668 MR. J. BRAZIER ON NEW AUSTRALIAN SHELLS. [Dec. 1, of 73 species, also 1 plate of eggs containing figures of those of species. Vol. VI. D E N T I R O S T R E S (part 2), with 30 plates and descriptions of 71 species. Vol. VII. FISSIROSTRES, with 53 plates and descriptions of 81 species; also 1 plate of eggs containing figures of those of 15 species. A letter was read from Mr. Henry W. Piers, of Capetown, containing remarks on certain specimens of Ribbon-fish (Gymnetrus) in the South-African museum. The following papers were read :- 1. Descriptions of eleven new Species of Terrestrial and Marine Shells from North-east Australia. By J O HN B R A Z I E R , C.M.Z.S. [Received November 5, 1874.] (Plate LXXXIII.) These new species were collected by me when I accompanied the Australian Eclipse Expedition in December 1871; but m y continued absence from Sydney whilst engaged in collecting in other localities has prevented m e from describing them sooner. The specific names attached are chiefly those of the astronomers attached to the expedition. The typical specimens of the species marked with an asterisk I have presented to the British Museum. •1. HELIX (CONULUS) ELLERYI. (Plate LXXXIII. figs. 3 &4.) Shell minutely umbilicated, conical, very thin, pale brown, finely, regularly, and spirally striated ; spire conical, acute, suture impressed with a fine groove ; whorls 5^, slightly convex, the last sharply keeled at the periphery, base convex, glossy round the umbilicus, about one half marked with spiral lines ; peristome simple, slightly angular; aperture oblique, margins distant, columellar margin slightly reflexed over the umbilicus. Diam. maj. \\, min. 1, alt. \\ lin. Hab. Fitzroy Island, north-east coast of Australia ; found under leaves on damp ground (coll. Brazier). I have named this species after Mr. Ellery, Government Astronomer, of Melbourne, Victoria. *2. HELIX (CONULUS) RUSSELLI. (Plate LXXXIII. figs. 13 & 14.) Shell minutely umbilicated, turbinately globose, thin, shining, faintly and obliquely closely striated, horny brown ; spire elevated, apex obtuse, suture channelled; whorls 5, roundly convex, last de- |