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Show 1874.] DR. M U R I E O N FREGILUPUS VARIUS. 475 footnotes the bulk of the published data. Thus drawn up in rank and file, the gaps are conspicuous. If a credible and thoroughly reliable estimate of the bird, its local range, &c. is ever to be obtained, the subjoined wants and hints may, I trust, be found appropriate and useful as passing memoranda. Desiderata.- I. Whether Fregilupus was absolutely restricted to Reunion or where else with certainty it has been found. 2. Whether it is still alive on Reunion or elsewhere, and the locality where found, personal and second-hand information being duly noted. 3. Any documents proving the last date when observed. 4. By what means coastwards is it supposed to have become rare, or the steps and progress of its extinction. Has the introduction of the common Indian Mynah, by diminishing its food, tended to reduction? or has man been the suppressing agent? 5. All data connected with its habits would be invaluable, especially the nature of its food, nest-building, colour and number of eggs. 6. Any account of successive change of plumage or variety in the feathering of the young and in sexual development. 7. If any specimens are ever procured, it is most important that one or more of these, at different ages and sexes if possible, be preserved entire in spirits or otherwise, so that the internal anatomy, pterylosis, &c. may be accurately ascertained by those competent to the task. 8. If a preservative solution is not at hand, by simply slitting up the belly without injuring the internals, filling this with salt or placing the entire specimen in salt or sugar, it will be saved. If these cannot be procured, drying the body complete in a current of air or in the shade so that it becomes thoroughly hardened will effectually prevent decomposition, remembering, however, that it must afterwards be kept free from damp and the attacks of insects in its transmission. Synonymy and Figures.- FREGILUPUS VARIUS (Boddaert). f'Tiuouch," Flacourt, Hist. d. 1. Grande I. Madag. p. 166 (1658). La Huppe noire et blanche, du Cap de Bonne Esperance, De Mont-beil. in Buffbn, Hist. Nat. vi. p. 463 (1779). Madagascar Hoopoe, Latham, Gen. Synop. i. pt. ii. p. 690 (1782). La Huppe du Cap de Bonne Esperance, De Montbeillard, PI. Enl. 697 (1783). Upupa varia, Boddaert, Tabl. Planch. Enlum. p. 43 (1783). Upupa capensis, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 466 (1788). La Huppe grise, Vieill. Ois. Dores, i. (Hist. d. Promerops) p. 12, tab. 3 (1802). Le Merops Huppe, Levaill. Ois. d. Parad. iii. (II. N. d. Promer. et Guep.) p. 43, tab. 18 (1807). 31* |