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Show 342 MESSRS. BUTLER AND DRUCE ON THE [June 2, 127. PREPONA DEMOPHON. Papilio demophon, Linnaeus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 215 (1764) ; Clerck's Icones, pi. 29. fig. 2, pi. 42. fig. 3 (1764). 128. PREPONA MEANDER. Papilio meander, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pi. 12. figs. A, B (1775). Genus 39. APATURA, Fabricius. 129. A P A T U R A LAURENTIA. Nymphalis laurentia, Godart, Enc. Meth. ix. p. 376. n. 86 (1823); Lucas, Lep. Exot. pi. 68. fig. 2 (1835). 130. APATURA LUCASII. Apatura lucasii, Doubleday and Hewitson, Gen. Diurn. Lepid. pi. 45. fig. 2(1850). 131. APATURA DRURYI. Catargyria druryi, Hiibner, Samml. ex. Schmett. (1816-41). 132. APATURA PLESAURINA. Apatura plesaurina, Butler & Druce, Cist. Ent. v. p. 102 (July 1872); Lep. Exot. pi. Ix. fig. 4 (1874). An interesting mimic of Heterochroa plesaure. Dr. Boisduval refers the tropical-American species to a new genus (Chlorippe) on account of the green palpi; this character, however, fails in the present species, and therefore is proved to be useless. 133. APATURA PAVONII. Nymphalispavonii, Humboldt, Bonpl. Obs. Zool. i. p. 197, pi. 18. figs. 3,4 (1811?). Both sexes of this species came in Van Patten's collection. Genus 40. HETEROCHROA, Boisduval. 134. HETEROCHROA PLESAURE. Adelpha plesaure, Hiibner, Zutr. ex. Schmett. figs. 231, 232 (1823). 135. HETEROCHROA BASILEA. Papilio basilea, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. pi. 188. fig. D (1779). 136. HETEROCHROA IPHICLA. Papilio iphicla, Linnaeus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 311 (1764) ; Cramer Pap. Exot. ii. pi. 188. fig. D (1779). 137. HETEROCHROA EROTIA. Heterochroa erotia, Hewitson, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xx. p 259 pi. 20. fig. 3 (1847). |