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Show 336 MESSRS. BUTLER AND DRUCE ON THE [June 2, 64. EUPTYCHIA PIERIA. Euptychia pieria, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 463. n. 13, pi. 39. fig. 3 (1866). 65. EUPTYCHIA USITATA. Euptychia usitata, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 463. n. 11, pi. 39. fig. 2 (1866). 66. EUPTYCHIA DISAFFECTA, n. sp. Wings above olivaceous brown, outer margin slightly darker, fringe pale ; secondaries with a well-defined subanal ocellus, white-pupilled, with testaceous iris; two submarginal slightly undulated blackish lines, and between the outer one and the margin a pale brown line : head and thorax blackish, abdomen paler brown ; underside paler than above, densely but indistinctly irrorated with red-brown ; base greyish: two central nearly straight transverse red-brown lines, slightly diverging to costa of primaries; area immediately beyond them pale ; two slightly irregular submarginal dark-brown lines; outer margin black : secondaries with six small ocelli, the fifth largest; the first, second, and fifth black, white-pupilled, with indistinct testaceous iris; the others brown, only visible with the aid of a lens : body greyish brown. Expanse 1 inch 10 lines. Nearly allied to E. variabilis, but differing entirely in the central lines on under surface, which are more like those of E. usitata; its natural position will be between E. variabilis and E. angularis. 67. EUPTYCHIA RENATA. Papilio renata, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pi. 326. fig. A (1782). 68. EUPTYCHIA FALLAX. . Neonympha fallax, Felder, Wien. ent. Mon. vi. p. 177. n. 157 (1862). 69. EUPTYCHIA HERMES. Papilio hermes, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 487. n. 195 (1775). Oreas strigata canthe, Hiibner, Samml. ex. Schmett. (1806-16). 70. EUPTYCHIA WESTWOODII. Euptychia westwoodii, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 481. n. 68, pi. 12. fig. 3 (1867). 71. EUPTYCHIA LIBYE. Papilio libye, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. 1, ii. p. 772. n. 146 (1766); Sulzer, Gesch. Ins. p. 145, ph 17. fig. 7 (1776). 72. EUPTYCHIA TIJSSSA. Euptychia tiessa, Hewitson, Equat. Lep. p. 37. n. 67 (1869); Butler, Lep. Exot. i. pi. 18. fig. 4 (1870). |