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Show 338 MESSRS. BUTLER AND DRUCE ON THE [Julie 2, 84. PEDALIODES HULDA. Pedaliodes hulda, Butler & Druce, Cist. Ent. v. p. 99 (July 1872). 85. PEDALIODES LITHOCHALCIS. Pedaliodes lithochalcis, Butler & Druce, Cist. Ent. v. p. 100 (July 1872). Genus 24. OXEOSCHISTUS, Butler. 86. OXEOSCHISTUS PUERTA. Pronophila puerta, Westwood, Gen. Diurn. Lepid. p. 358. n. 3 note (1851); Hewitson, Ex. Butt. ii. Pron. pi. 2. fig. 12 (1860). 87. OXEOSCHISTUS EURIPHYLE. Oxeoschistus euriphyle, Butler, Cist. Ent. iv. p. 73 (Jan. 1872) ; Lep. Exot. pi. lxii. fig. 6 (1874). 88. OXEOSCHISTUS SUBMACULATUS, n. sp. Closely allied to O. simplex, rather larger; the tawny band above broader, the ocellate spots obsolescent; below the central band of secondaries rather broader, and the dentate silvery area towards apex more restricted, the external dentes not encroaching so far into the marginal border. Expanse of wings 3 inches 1 line. If the species of Oxeoschistus showed any tendency to vary, this might be considered a variety of 0. simplex. 89. OXEOSCHISTUS COTHON. Oxeoschistus cothon, Salvin, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. vii. p. 413. n. 37 (1869). Genus 25. DRUCINA, Butler. 90. DRUCINA LEONATA. Drucina leonata, Butler, Cist. Ent. iv. p. 72 (Jan. 1872); Lep. Exot. pi. xlix. fig. 5 (1873). This was one of the most remarkable of the novelties sent home by Dr. Van Patten. Genus 26. PRONOPHILA, Westwood. 91. PRONOPHILA TIMANTHES. Pronophila timanthes, Salvin, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. vii. p. 412. n. 36 (1869). Genus 27. TISIPHONE, Hiibner. 92. TISIPHONE HERCYNA. Tisiphone hercyna, Hiibner, Samml. ex. Schmett. (1816-24). Genus 28. CALIGO, Hiibner. 93. CALIGO OILEUS. Pavonia oileus, Felder, Wien. ent. Mon. v. p. 111. n. 106 (1861) ; Reise der Nov. Lep. iii. pi. 65. fig. 2 (1867). |