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Show 574 MR. F. MOORE ON NEW ASIATIC LEPIDOPTERA. [Nov. 3, bluish purple ; both wings with a distinct black pale-bordered discocellular spot and a transverse discal row of pale bluish white spots. Female dark purplish brown, glossed with greenish blue ; discocellular spot larger and very prominent, discal spots whiter; cilia white, with inner black line on fore wing and black dentate spots on hind wing. Underside. Male: fore wing pale grey, with indistinct pale-bordered discocellular spot and a transverse discal row of blackish spots : hind wing white, the base powdered with metallic blue; a broad irregular discal pale brown band enclosing a discocellular and two upper white patches. Female: fore wing pale fawn-colour ; spots prominent; a blackish streak outside the discal spots; irregular discal band on hind wing tinged with yellow. Exp. 1 inch. Hab. Rajdiangan Pass, Sursungar and Stakpila Passes, and Baitul, Cashmere (Capt. H. B. Hellard). POLYOMMATUS SAMUDRA. (Plate LXVII. fig. 2.) Male. Upperside pale lavender-blue, exterior margins and end of veins of both wings and anterior border of hind wing slightly fuliginous ; costal edge white ; cilia white, slightly brown at end of veins ; abdominal margin greyish white ; antennae black, ringed with white. Underside greyish white, slightly greenish at base of hind wings: fore wing with a discal transverse recurved row of black spots, each with a white border ; a narrow white-bordered black streak at end of the cell, and a submarginal series of blackish lunules : hind wing with a series of eight small white-bordered black 6pots, two being near anterior margin towards the base, five on the disk, and one on abdominal margin ; a pale-bordered short black Streak at end and a dot within the cell; a submarginal series of narrow black lunules with inner white borders and a marginal row of small metallic silvery spots which are slightly bordered within with red. Female differs above in having the wings anteriorly and the veins broadly fuliginous, and beneath in the partial absence of the discal series of spots on the hind wing. Exp. cf 1|, 2 If inch. Hab. Gol and Skardo, Baltistan (Capt. H. B. Hellard). LYC^ENA ARDATES. (Plate LXVII. fig. 1.) Male. Upperside bluish purple; exterior marginal line and a short tail on hind wing black; cilia greyish, with dark inner line. Underside dark fawn-colour : fore wing with two pale-bordered brown spots within and one below the cell, an irregular discal series, and a submarginal row of dentate lunules : hind wing with an irregular subbasal and discal pale-bordered brown band, a submarginal row of dentate lunules and contiguous marginal spots, a prominent subanal round black spot speckled with metallic green scales. Exp. 1 inch. Hab. Pari and Pooneh, Cashmere (Capt. H. B. Hellard). |