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Show 680 MESSRS. SCLATER AND SALVIN ON PERUVIAN BIRDS. [Dec. 1. adumbrato et maculis pallide cervinis supra et subtus nigro marginatis ornato : gula et abdomine medio lacteo-albescentibus : lateribus et crisso cum subcaudalibus fere sicut pectus trans-fasciatis: alarum remigibus nigricantibus cervino frequenter transfasciatis, his fasciis in pogonio externo minus distinctis sed apparentibus: rostro elongato incurvo, obscure corneo : pedibus fiavidis : long, tota 13, ala 7, tarsi 1'9. Hab. Peruvia alta (Jelski et Whitely). W e have based this new species of our genus Nothoprocta * upon a specimen collected by Jelski at Maraynioc in Central Peru, which M . Taczanowski sent us for examination f, and of which we also take this opportunity of giving a figure (Plate LXXXIV.). Mr. Whitely's two skins from Cchachupata, at first sight appear to belong to two distinct species ; but comparing them with M . Jelski's specimen we find that, though the latter agrees closely with the larger of Mr. Whitely's birds in general coloration, it corresponds in dimensions with the smaller. W e are disposed, therefore, to consider the smaller of Mr. Whitely's two specimens to be in immature plumage, the difference of size, chiefly that of the bill, being attributable to individual variation, all three of the birds before us being marked as males. This younger bird, if such it really is, differs chiefly in having tbe breast marked with dark spots with light edges, instead of oval light spots edged on their uppersides with black. The cross bars, too, of the adult birds seen on the chest are absent, and are only slightly shown on the flanks. The general colour of the breast of the young bird is fawn rather than grey. The upper surface is precisely alike in both. In our ' Nomenclator,' p. 153, we assigned four species to Nothoprocta. To these we now have to add the species described above and M . Taczanowski's Nothoprocta branickii (antea, p. 563). The subjoined table may assist in the determination of the species of this difficult genus :- Prim. ext. in pogonio interno transfasciatis 1. taczanowskii. Prim. ext. in pogonio interno unicoloribus. Pectore cinereo, albido maculato. Secundariis uigro-fuscis, rufo transfasciatis 2. perdicaria. Secundariis nigro-fuscis, fasciis fulvis notatis 3. pentlandi. Pectore cinereo, indistincte vermiculato. Major, tectr. alar, late transfasciatis 4. ornata. Minor, tectr. alar, minute fasciatis 5. branickii. Pectore rufescente 6. curvirostris. * Nomenel. Av. Neotr. p. 156 (1873). t See antea, p. 564. |