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Show 1874.] THE GENUS SAXICOLA. 239 on the central pair only occupying the extreme base, and on the outer pair covering half of the inner and the whole of the outer web ; lower parts pale ashy brown, becoming whitish on the abdomen, darker and rufous on the flanks; ear-coverts similarly coloured to the upper parts ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white ; the terminal portion of the first long primary is extremely narrow and slightly curved. Culmen 0 63 inch, wing 3; 15, tail 1*97, tarsus 1*1. Hab. South Africa. 36. SAXICOLA PILEATA. Motacilla pileata, G m . S. N . i. p. 965. no. 94, ex Lath. (1788). Le Traquet imitateur, Levaillant, Ois. d'Af. pis. 181, 182 (1805). (Enanthe imitatrix, Vieill. Nouv. Diet. xxi. p. 422 (1818). Campicola livingstonii, Tristram, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 888. Male. Forehead and superciliary stripe running back to the nape white ; crown black, passing on the nape into the rufous or cinnamon-brown of the back, which becomes ferruginous towards the rump ; lower rump and upper tail-coverts white; quills hair-brown, with narrow pale margins and pale tips to the secondaries; central tail-feathers black, outer feathers white on the basal half or rather more, terminal portions black ; sides of the head and neck, including the lores, space under the eye, and ear-coverts, and a broad band occupying the greater portion of the breast, black ; chin and throat white; abdomen rufescent white ; flanks ferruginous; lower tail-coverts pale rufous. Culmen 0'8, wing 3*5, tail 2-65, tarsus l-35. S. livingstonii is considered a good and distinct species by Finsch and Hartlaub (Vog. Ost.-Afr. p. 251). They say that the white of the forehead and black of the crown are less extensively developed, that the pectoral band is much narrower, and the size smaller. The band across the chest is certainly less developed ; but its breadth is variable in Cape specimens; and as with a series before us we can detect no other distinction, we doubt if S. livingstonii be worthy of separation. Hab. South Africa generally. 37. SAXICOLA BIFASCIATA. Saxicola bifasciata, T e m m . PI. Col. 472. fig. 2. Saxicola spectabilis, Hartl. P. Z. S. 1865, p. 428, pi. 23. Campicola bifasciata (Temm.), Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 10. 1 Le grand Motteux ou cul-blanc du Cap de B.-Esperance, Buff. Ois. vi. p. 135 (1783). 1 Motacilla hottentotta, G m . Syst. Nat. i. p. 965 (1788, ex Buff.). ? Sylvia hottentotta (Gm.), Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 531. no. 82 (1790). Adult male. A narrow frontal line and broad supercilia extending backwards along the sides of the head yellowish buff; crown and nape blackish brown; back the same, with brown edges to the feathers; scapulars, sides of the back, and rump isabelline or yellowish buff; wing-coverts and tail black; quills blackish brown |