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Show 1874.] MR. E. C. REED ON CHILIAN COLEOPTERA. 67 imatis. Cupreum vel nigro-cupreum, nitidum ; antennis, palpis pedibusque nigris ; sulcisfrontalibuslatis; thorace transversim quadrato, postice perparum angustato, angulis posticis fere rectis, fovea utrinque basali magna punctulata, plicaque elevata elongata juxta angulum ; elytris striis omnibus paulo impressis, punctatis, interstitio tertio punctis duobus impressis et vittulis duobus nigro-aneis lavissimis. Long. 2 lin. The form of the thorax and the discoloured shining streaks on the third elytral interstice, near the punctures, give this species a strong resemblance to B. paludosum and its allies ; but the closely approximate eighth and ninth striae (united near their bases) show that it does not belong to the same group. Taken on the sea-coast of the Island of Chiloe. BEMBIDIUM MANDIBULARE, Sol. I.e. p. 161. This species seems to be variable in regard to the proportion of brassy black and pale testaceous markings on the elytra; and I suspect the insect known in some collections under the M S. name of B. fryi is only a variety of it. Southern Chili. B E M B I D I U M SOLIERI, mihi, Gemm. & Har. Cat. B. incertum, Sol. I. c. p. 168 (name preoccupied). BEMBIDIUM MARGINATUM, Sol. I. c. p. 169. BEMBIDIUM FISCHERI, Sol. I. c. p. 170. BEMBIDIUM SEXFOVEOLATUM, Germ. I. c. p. 389. Common in Central Chili, especially in the mountains of Aculeo. BEMBIDIUM SCITULUM, Erich. Nov. Act. Leop. Carol. 1834, Suppl. p. 225. B.fabricii, Sol. I.e. p. 176. In the neighbourhood of Santiago. B E M B I D I U M MELANOPODES, Sol. I.e. p. 177. B E M B I D I U M INCONSTANS, Sol. I. c. p. 172. Subfamily DROMIIN^E. C R O S S O N Y C H U S VIRIDIS, Dej. Spec. Gen. v. p. 356 (Dromius); Chaudoir, Bull. Mosc. 1848, p. 97. This species varies much in colour, from clear brassy green and coppery to dull olive-green, and in shape of thorax and strength of striation of elytra; and as all gradations exist, it is impossible to separate the following extreme forms as species :- Dromius aneus, Dej. I.e. p. 3$7=Coptodera anescens, Motsch. Bull. Mosc. 1864, p. 223 = Coptodera incerta, Sol. I.e. p. 145 (?). CROSSONYCHUS CHLOROPTERUS, Motsch. Bull. Mosc. 1864, p. 223. This species is common throughout Chili. 5* |