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Show 68 MR. E. C. REED ON CHILIAN COLEOPTERA. [Jan. 6, MIMODROMIUS CYANIPENNIS, Brulle', Hist. Nat. des Ins. iv. p. 195, t. 6. f. 4 (Dromius). Calleida cyanoptera, Sol. I. c. p. 137. Mimodromius cyanipennis, Chaud. Berl. Entom. Zeit. 1873, p. 55. I have found this species under bark of Salix babylonicus, near Santiago. MIMODROMIUS CHILENSIS, Sol. I.e. p. 137 (Calleida). MIMODROMIUS PHILIPPII, n. sp. (Plate XIII. fig. 1.) Major, elongatus, depressus, castaneofuscus, nitidus; elytris utrinque ante medium macula rotundata fulvo-testacea. Long. 5 lin. This fine species is very similar to M. chilensis, but with the elytra broader and flatter. The head is similarly elongated and tapering behind the eyes, and at the end of the narrowing constricted into a distinct neck. The thorax is relatively small, subcordate, with the hind angles produced and acute. The elytra are widened behind, and very obtusely but broadly truncated at the apex; their surface is faintly punctato-striate, with the interstices punctulate. A few specimens have been taken near the baths of Chilian. MIMODROMIUS NIGROFASCIATUS, Sol. I. c. p. 135 (Calleida). Common throughout Chili. MIMODROMIUS GUTTULA, Sol. I. c. p. 136 (Calleida). Less common than the preceding. I have only taken it at. from 4000 to 8000 feet s. m., in the Andes of the central provinces. Obs.-The genus Mimodromius was proposed by Baron Chaudoir in the Berliner entom. Zeitschrift, 1873, p. 55, but without characters. These are as follows:-Head elongated, narrowed behind. Mentum trilobate; side lobes triangular, acute. Ligula narrow and scarcely more corneous than the broad paraglossae, which are adherent ; apex bisetose. Palpi truncated, the labials having their terminal joint tumid and subsecuriform. Legs slender ; penultimate joints of the tarsi sharply emarginate but not bilobed ; claws slender and finely pectinated. This genus is well distinguished from Calleida by the penultimate joints of the tarsi not being bilobed, and by the slender form of the same members, together with their claws. PLAGIOTELUM IRIDEUM, Sol. I.e. p. 133. Calleida iridea, Motsch. Bull. Mosc. 1864, iii. p. 238. Southern Chili; scarce. LOBIUS CYANEUS, Dej. I. c. p. 355, et Sol. I. c. p. 139 (Dromius). Lobius cyaneus, Motsch. Bull. Mosc. 1864, iii. p. 230. A common species in Southern and Central Chili. LOBIUS NIGROVIRIDIS, Motsch. I.e. p. 230. |