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Show 1874.] MR. F. MOORE ON NEW ASIATIC LEPIDOPTERA. 565 Brought forward ... 347 Cypselidts 1 CaprimulgidcB 6 PicidcB 13 Alcedinidce 2 MomotidcB 1 Trogonida 3 Galbulidce 2 Bucconidce 3 Cuculidce 2 Bamphastidce 6 CapitonidcB 3 Psittacidts 8 Falconidm 14 Strigidae 3 Pelecanidcp 5 Carried forward 419 Brought forward ... 419 Anatida 8 Ardeidcs 2 Columbidoe 12 Thinocorides 3 Perdicidce 2 Cracida 7 Ballidce 6 Charadriidce 7 Scolopacidce 10 lbidida 2 Phomicopteridce 1 Larida 6 Procellariida 1 Podicipidm 2 TinamidcB 2 Total 400 2. Descriptions of N e w Asiatic Lepidoptera. By FREDERIC M O O R E , India Museum, London. [Received July 9, 1874.] (Plates LXVI. & LXVII.) PAPILIONES. Fam. NYMPHALID.E. Subfam. SATYRIN^E. HIPPARCHTA CADESIA, n. sp. (Plate LXVI. fig. 7.) Allied to H. hubneri, Feld. Male. Upperside bright ferruginous; exterior marginal line blackish ; cilia yellowish alternated with brown : fore wing with the base, costal, and exterior border pale brown; a subapical pale-bordered black spot with a white central dot; subcostal vein and its branches blackish, terminating in a transverse sinuous submarginal line: hind wing with the base, abdominal and outer border brown, the veins being ferruginous; a submarginal series of blackish lunules. Underside: fore wing paler ferruginous, the costal and outer borders being fawn-colour ; a few transverse brown strigae within the cell; veins below the apex terminating in a pale streak : hind wing ferruginous white, numerously covered with short blackish strigse, which are thickest at the base ; veins prominently whitish ; a broad curved transverse median brown band with irregular black borders, and a broad submarginal brown band with black outer dentate lunules ; outer margin and base of wing suffused with brown. Body and legs brown. Antennse yellow, tip ferruginous. Exp. 1TV inch. Hab. Cashmere: Boorzil valley towards Stakpila Pass, 11000 ft. (Capt. H. B. Hellard, R.A.). |