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Show 12 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON THE GENUS SYNALLAXIS. [Jan. 6, Sab. Brasil. merid. orient, prov. S. Paulo et Parana (Natt.). This is a rather small and weakly formed species, obtained, so far as I know, only by Natterer. I have one of his typical specimens, and have seen others in the Museums of Berlin and Vienna. 13. SYNALLAXIS PROPINQ.UA. Synallaxis propinqua, \Pelz. Sitz. Ak. Wien, xxxiv. p. 101, et Orn. Bras. p. 37. Synallaxis terricolor, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 183, and 1873, p. 269. Anabates pulvericolor, Scl. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 62 (ex M S . Lafr.) 1 Supra murino-fusca : alis extus et cauda luride rufescentibus : subtus albida fusco perfusa, gutturis plumis ad basin nigricantibus : rostro elongato: pedibus validis: tarsis elongatis: long, tota 6, alee 2*2, caudce 2-8 .• tarsi 0*95. Hab. Rio Madeira (Natt.) ; Amazonia sup. (E. Bartlett). After comparing the type of Synallaxis propinqua (kindly lent to me for that purpose by the authorities of the Imperial Cabinet of Vienna) with examples of S. terricolor (founded by Mr. Salvin and myself on Mr. Bartlett's Upper-Amazonian specimens), I have come to the conclusion that they must be referred to the same species. The typical specimen of S. propinqua is slightly tinged with rufes-cent above, but is otherwise scarcely different. 14. SYNALLAXIS STICTOTHORAX. (Plate II. fig. 1.) Synallaxis stictothorax, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 191. Synallaxis maculata, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. x. p. 186 (1872). Murino-brunnea, uropygio rufescente: alis caudaque intus nigricanti-brunneis, extus rufo late limbatis : super ciliis a fronte et lateribus cervicis albidis, nigro obsolete punctatis: subtus alba, lateribus et ventre imo rufescentibus: pectore toto maculis triangularibus nigricantibus asperso: rostro nigro, basi alba, pedibus fuscis; long, tota 4 75, alee 2, caudce 2*25, tarsi 0*75. Hab. iEquatoria occ. Mus. Brit, ex Guayaquil (Barclay) ; Gul. Jardine Bart, ex ^qua-toria. n The figure of this Synallaxis is from the typical specimen in the British Museum. In the Jardin des Plantes are four skins-three sent from Guayaquil by Mr. Remy, and the fourth collected bv Eydoux on the island of Puna. J 15. SYNALLAXIS SEMICINEREA. Leptoxyura semicinerea, Reich. Handb. d. Sp. 0. p 170 t T»YYT fig. 3610 (1853). P P ' ' • DXXI* Synallaxis caniceps, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 98, and 1859, p. 194 Dorso alis extus et cauda rufis: pileo pallide cinereo :'corvore subtus lactescenti-albo : rostro et pedibus flavidis : long tota 5"5 alee 24, caudce rectr. med. 22, ext. M . Hab. Bolivia, Valle Grande (D'Orb.) Mus. Dom. Eyt. |