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Show 1874.] MR. P. L. SCLATER ON THE GENUS SYNALLAXIS. 27 3. SYNALLAXIS TROGLODYTOIDES, D'Orb. Voy. Ois. p. 239. Hab. Bahia de San Bias, Patagonia (D'Orb.). I have not been able to find any specimen of this species in the Jardin des Plantes. 4. SYNALLAXIS STRIATA, Ph. et Landb. Wiegm. Arch. 1863, p. 119. Hab. Arica, Peru (Frobeen). I know of no species exactly resembling that here described. In conclusion I will offer a few remarks upon the geographical distribution of the Synallaxes. The area occupied by this genus is nearly that of the whole Neotropical region from southern Mexico to Patagonia. In Mexico and Central America generally but one species is found, S. erythrothorax. It is not until we get to Costa Rica and Veragua that we meet with others, S. albescens and S. erythrops, intruders from the south, and S. rufigenis, an apparently endemic species. In the Columbian and Peruvian Andes Synallaxis appears to attain its greatest development, as many as fourteen species occurring in Columbia, and ten or more in Peru. In Guiana, Amazonia, Brazil, and eastern South America generally they are more thinly scattered, each district only showing about half that number of endemic species. In the southern part of South America a set of species occur belonging to a section of the twelve-tail-feathered division, which, in the northern part of the continent, is only met with at a high elevation in the Andes. The subjoined Table will show the facts of distribution, so far as they are hitherto known, at a glance. 1. ruficapilla ... 2. frontalis 3. mcesta 4. brunneicauda 5. spixi 6. albescens 7. hypospodia... 8. subpudica ... 9. pudica 10. guianensis ... 11. albilora 12. cinerascens... 13. propinqua ... 14. stictothorax l. "Si o a <D 3 ... 2. a a . •g be W g 03 <D o O ... ... 3. 03 O O ... ... 4. u o Ti 03 3 o ... ... 5. 3 u Pn ... ... ... 6. a o N 03 1 t-t o p, p ... 7. si o N 03 3 <i u o ... ... 8. o3 3 .5 '3 5 ... ... = 9. 5 '3 d "s SP N Pi a > 10. 03 pq 3D 11. 03 u pq $ 12. O PQ 13. i> 3 tc ol u 03 PH 14. < 15. 03 "3 o M s 03 PH 16. 1 |