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Show 578 MR. F. MOORE ON NEW ASIATIC LEPIDOPTERA. [Nov. 3, found during July flying heavily amongst high horse-chestnut (Pavia indica), just as P. eucharis might about a mango-grove. EPICOPEIA MENCIA. (Plate LXVII. fig. 8.) Male. Dark fuliginous black ; veins black : hind wing short, with a long broad spatulate tail; a series of five crimson lunules transversely from anal angle straight across to outer margin ; three similar lunules on posterior margin. Two crimson spots on thorax. Abdomen with crimson bands and lateral stripes. Exp. 3f inches. Hab. Shanghai, N. China. In Coll. F. Moore. Note.-" Full-grown larva 2\ inches long, perfectly white, and profusely covered with fine white powder, which comes off from the body at the slightest touch of the hand, leaving the dark skin underneath. Found in October ; changed to a pupa same month. Collects two or three leaves together, and forms a kind of envelope of the powder. Imago makes its appearance in June of following year." -E. Holdsworth. Fam. SATURNID^E. A N T H E R ^ E A CONFUCI. Male. Greenish buff colour: fore wing with the base of costal margin purple-grey, and two short subbasal pinkish transverse lines, and two outer submarginal, transverse, parallel, pinkish lines; a dusky fascia from costa to hind margin passing outside the ocellus ; ocelli of both wings small, oval, grey within, outer ring pink internally and black externally ; inner ring white and yellow; central spot minute, half diaphanous, and yellow : hind wing with fainter pinkish subbasal line and two submarginal lines. Exp. 5\ inches. Hab. Hills in neighbourhood of Shanghai, N. China. In Coll. E. Holdsworth. Allied to A. pernyi, from which it differs in colour and in the distinct double submarginal lines. N O C T U E S. Fam. NOCTUID^E. EUPLEXIA CUPREA, n. Sp. Male and female. Upperside cupreous brown : fore wing with a broad transverse median black band enclosing a dull-coloured orbicular spot and a yellow-bordered pale brown reniform spot; some blackish pale-bordered transverse streaks at base of wing and across exterior margin ; four small yellow dots on costal margin near the apex : hind wing fawn-colour at base ; a pale wavy submarginal line from anal angle. Underside paler; fore wing with a pale yellowish streak enclosing a small blackish spot at end of the cell; costal spots near apex, and wavy submarginal line; a prominent black spot on middle of hind wing. Exp. 14; inch. Hab. Simla, N.W. Himalaya. In Coll. F. Moore. |