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Show 1874.] OF T H E SOUTH-SEA ISLANDS. 285 58. LAMPIDES CVTA. Catochrysops cyta, Boisduval, Voy. de 1'Astrolabe, Lep. p. 87 (1832). New Ireland (Boisduval). 59. LAMPIDES ARGENTINA. Lycana argentina, Prittwitz, Stett. ent. Zeit. p. 274. n. 32 (1867). Acrophthalmia 1 argentina, Kirby, Cat. Diurn. Lep. p. 96. n. 4 (1871). Samoa (Prittwitz) ; sp. ead. ? Aneiteum. 3, B.M. Closely allied to, if not identical with L. macrophthalma of Felder. 60. LAMPIDES SAMOA. Lycana samoa, Herrich-Schaffer, Stett. ent. Zeit. p. 73. n. 30 (1869). Samoa (Herrich-Schaffer). Probably the same as the preceding, but so carelessly described (both sexes being described as females) that I cannot identify it with certainty. 61. LAMPIDES CANDRENA. Lycana candrena, Herrich-Schaffer, Stett. ent. Zeit. p. 74. n. 34 (1869). VitiLevu, Ovalau, Vanua Valava (Herrich-Schaffer). W e have a species apparently allied to the above from the Navigators'Islands; but the description mentions no black margin to the wings of the male, and gives hardly any idea of the under surface, so that I dare not refer our insect to this species. 62. LAMPIDES DYOPA. Lycana dyopa, Herrich-Schaffer, Stett. ent. Zeit. p. 75. n. 35 (1869). O valau ( Herrich- Schaffer). Probably a variety of the preceding, from which apparently it differs very little. Genus LYCENA, Fabricius. 63. L Y O E N A PHOEBE. Lycana phcebe, Murray, Ent. Mo. Mag. p. 107 (1873). New Caledonia (Macgillivray) ; Tutuila Isl. (Perry). B.M. 64. LYCENA ALSULUS. Lycana alsulus, Herrich-Schaffer, Stett. ent. Zeit. p. 75. n. 36 (Jan.-Mar. 1869). Upolu (Herrich-Schaffer). Kirby quotes L. communis, H..Sch. (an un described species from Vanua Valava), under L. lysimon of Hiibner. |