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Show 1874.] MR. H. SAUNDERS ON THE GREY-CAPPED GULLS. 291 101. PAPILIO AGAMEMNON. Papilio ayistus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. pi. 106. figs. C, D (1779) "Woodlark Island" (Montrouzier). I suspect that Montrouzier's insect is a distinct species. Family HESPERIIDTE. Genus HESPERIA, Fabricius. 102. HESPERIA EXCLAMATIONIS. Papilio (P. U.) exclamationis,Fabriciu8, Syst. Ent. p. 530. n. 373 (1775). Hesperia exclamationis, Butler, Cat. Diurn. Lep. Fabr. p. 269. n. 1, pi. 3. fig. 2 (1869). Aneiteum (Cuming). B.M. 103. HESPERIA DIRPHA. Thymele dirpha, Boisduval, Voy. de l'Astrolabe, Lep. p. 162. n. 8 (1832). New Ireland (Boisduval). Genus PAMPHILA, Fabricius. 104. PAMPHILA ANGUSTULA. Pamphila angustula, Herrich-Schaffer, Stett. ent. Zeit. p. 79. n. 19(1869). Vanua Valava (Herrich-Schaffer). In the 5th Catalogue of the Museum Godeffroy, pp. 58, 59, Pieris (Belenois) teutonia is reported as occurring in Viti Island, Pieris (Appias) ada in the island of Yap, Pelew Islands, and Callidryas (Catopsilia) minna in Ovalau. I suspect the first of these three to be B. peristhene, and the third C. lactea ; "A. ada" of the list is probably distinct from the typical form, which we have only from Aru. In my list of the Lepidoptera collected in the South-Sea Islands by Mr. Brenchley, I have included Acraa andromacha; I think it likely, however, that the single example in the collection was taken on the Australian coast. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XLIV. Fig. 1. Euplma perryi, p. 278. 2. Diadema pulchra, p. 281. 3. Diadema lutescens, p. 283. 5. Remarks on the Grey-capped Gulls and on the Species with which they have been confounded. By H O W A RD S A U N D E R S , F.Z.S. [Received March 31, 1874.] In anticipation of a Monograph of the Larida, upon which I have for some time been engaged, I offer a few remarks with the object of clearing up the confusion which exists respecting the |