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Show 1874.] REV. O. P. CAMBRIDGE ON NEW DRASSIDES. 377 spinners forwards; the underside is pale yellow-drab. Spinners prominent and rather long, but not very unequal in length ; those of the inferior pair are strongest; they are of a yellow-brown colour. A single adult male was found under a stone at Corfu by myself in M a y 1864. Genus PROSTHESIMA, L. Koch (Melanophora, C. Koch). PROSTHESIMA TRISTICULA, sp. n. (Plate LI. fig. 6) Adult male, length rather more than 2 | lines. In general character, form, and colour this Spider is of the ordinary type. The cephalothorax is but very slightly constricted on the sides at the caput, and the upper surface is tolerably uniformly rounded on the sides ; its colour, as well as that of the maxillae, is yellow-brown, sparingly clothed with paler hairs, the normal indentations being shown by converging dusky brown rays meeting in a small longitudinal reddish brown line at the thoracic junctional indentation. The eyes are in two slightly curved and as nearly as possible concentric transverse rows, the foremost row being the shortest; they form a transverse curved oblong figure, the curve directed backwards, and the length (taking the foremost row as its length) about double its width; the interval between the eyes of the hind central pair is a little greater than that between each of them and the bind lateral eye on its side, being slightly greater than the diameter of one of the former ; the lateral eyes of each row are the largest, the fore laterals being rather larger than the hind laterals ; each fore lateral is separated from the hind lateral nearest to it by an interval equal to the diameter of the former; the fore centrals are smallest of the eight, placed on a slight prominence, and wider apart from each other than each is from the fore lateral on its side, from which each is separated by no more than half the diameter of the fore central eye. The height of the clypeus is rather less than half that of the facial space. The legs are tolerably long and strong ; their relative length is 4, 1, 2, 3 ; they are fairly furnished with hairs, some of them coarse and long, and bristles ; and on those of the third and fourth pairs there are strong spines on the tibial and metatarsal joints. The colour of the legs is a dusky greenish yellow-brown ; the tarsi generally brown, those of the fourth pair, however, being pale yellow ; the inferior surface of the tarsi is pretty thickly clothed with short strong hairs, but scarcely amounting to a scopula ; each tarsus ends with two strongish curved claws, pectinated or toothed beneath their posterior half. The claws on the tarsi of the fourth pair are stronger than those of the other legs. The palpi are short, brownish yellow (except the digital joint, which is darker brown), and furnished sparingly with hairs. The cubital and radial joints are short; the latter is the shortest, and has its extremity on the outer side prolonged into a tapering blunt-pointed apophysis exceeding in length the joint itself. The PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1874, No. XXV. 25 |