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Show 1874.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON NEW SPECIES OF FULGORA. 99 I believe this to be merely a faded specimen of one of the many varieties of F. clavata ; we have an example from Silhet, and a second without a locality, which agree very fairly with Stal's description. Sect. 3. Species with red and whitish wings. 10. FULGORA OCULATA. Fulgora oculata, Westwood, Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. p. 142. n. 13, pi. xii. fig. 5 ; Cab. Orient. Ent. pi. 36. fig. 2 (1848). Hotinus oculatus, Walker, List Homopt. Ins. ii. p. 267. n. 9 (1851). Malacca. B.M. 11. FULGORA SUBOCELLATA. Fulgora subocellata, Guerin, Rev. Zool. (1839) ; Delessert, Souv. Voy. Inde, p. 66, pi. 16. fig. 1 (1842). Hotinus subocellatus, Walker, List Homopt. Ins. ii. p. 267. n. 10 (1851). Penang. B.M. Possibly a variety of F. oculata. 12. FULGORA SULTANA. Hotinus sultanus, Adams, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1847, p. 83; Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xx. p. 204 (1847). " Forest of Borneo near Tampasook," A. Adams; ' Corea' (A. Adams). B.M. Mr. Walker states in his catalogue that our example is from Borneo. It is registered as from Corea with other insects from that locality; Borneo, however, is written upon the label attached to the specimen : the latter differs slightly from the example described. 13. FULGORA GIGANTEA, n. sp. (Plate XV. fig. 2.) Closely allied to F. sultana, but altogether larger; corium of teg-mina black, area beyond dirty testaceous ; veins ochreous, base bright ochreous; two parallel series of transverse oval pale ochreous spots ; ten or eleven indistinct ochreous spots with whitish zones beyond corium ; wings with apical two fifths pitchy, paler at apex; basal three fifths rosy to centre, and then becoming pale testaceous to abdominal margin; rostrum reddish luteous above, bright testaceous at tip and below, rest of the body testaceous. Length of body, including rostrum, 2 inches ; of rostrum 10 lines ; expanse 4 inches 6 lines. Sarawak (Wallace). B.M. The example upon which I have founded the present species formerly stood in M r . Saunders's Collection as the Hotinus sultana of White; it is, however, quite distinct; it is the largest species yet described. Sect. 4. Species with blue-green wings. 14. FULGORA PYRORHYNCHA. Fulgora pyrorhynchus, Donovan, Ins. Ind. Horn. pi. 7. fig. 1. 7* |