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Show 1874.] MR. H. ADAMS ON NEW SPECIES OF SHELLS. 585 the hinge and closed valves of the former with an external structure strongly resembling that of the latter. I would add that the valves of Scintilla, besides being furnished with hinge-teeth, are very thin and highly polished ; and those of Galeomma, which are without hinge-teeth, are thin, sculptured, and gape widely in the middle; the valves of £. incerta, on the contrary, which are provided with hinge-teeth, are solid, not polished, and completely closed all round. This anomalous shell may, I think, be considered the type of a distinct genus, for which I propose the name Barclayia, after Sir David Barclay, to whose researches during his long residence at Mauritius we are indebted for much of the knowledge we possess of the interesting land Mollusca of that island. APICALIA HOLDSWORTHI, sp. nov. (Plate LXIX. figs. 1, la.) A. lesta ovato-subulata, tenui, polita, cinereo-alba, versus apicem pallide rufa"; spira acuminata, sutura distincta, fascia subpellucida angusta marginata; anfr. 10, apicalibus stylinis, cateris convexi-usculis, ultimo rotundato; apertura subovali; labio arcuato ; labro valde sinuato, acuto. Long. 6, lat. 2 | mill. Hab. Ceylon (Holdsworth). TUDICLA SPIRILLA, Lam. (Plate LXIX. fig. 2.) Operculum corneum, acuminato-ovale, nucleo apicali. BARCLAYIA, gen. nov. Testa transverse ovata, subaquilateralis, tumida, solida, omnino clausa, striis concentricis et striolis confertis radiantibus decus-sata; umbonibus subcentralibus vix prominentibus; margine ere-nulato. Cardo dentibus duobus contiguis tuberculaformibus in-structus ; ligamentum internum ; linea pallialis simplex. BARCLAYIA INCERTA, Desh. (Plate LXIX. fig. 3.) Scintilla incerta, Desh. Cat. des Moll, de Pile de la Reunion, p. 18, pi. 2. figs. 16-18. Long. 14, alt. 9, lat. 7 mill. Hab. Bourbon (Reunion) (Deshayes); Mauritius (Robillard). NERITOPSIS RADTJLA (Linn.). (Plate LXIX. figs. 4, 4 a, 4 b). Operc. testaceum, crassum, subtriangulari-ovatum, subvitreum, ex-terne perconvexum, interne subconcavum ; margine exteriore cir-culari; margine columellari uudulato, ad incisuram columellarem testa accommodato; facie externa fastigiis nonnullis in plicas rotundatas desinentibus e margine externo radiantibus instructa; facie interna cicatrice confertim radiatim striata. PALUDOMTJS LUTEUS, sp. nov. (Plate LXIX. figs. 5, 5 a.) P. testa acuminato-ovali, solida, sub lente striis minutissimis, crebris, transversis, et striis longitudinalibus decussata, alba infra epi-dermide lutea; spira elevata, subconica, apice acuto, sutura distincta ; anfr. 8, eonvexiusculis, ultimo amplo, antice vix at- PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1874, No. XXXVIII. 38 |