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Show 1874.] REV. O. P. CAMBRIDGE ON N E W DRASSIDES. 375 and the genital aperture, which, like that of all the species of this genus and of most others also, is of peculiar and characteristic form (vide Plate LI. fig. 3) and of a dark blackish red-brown colour; the spinners are of moderate length, those of the inferior pair being strongest and slightly longest. A single adult female was found by myself in Egypt, among the debris of an old wall, in 1861. GNAPHOSA VENATRIX, sp. n. (Plate LI. fig. 4.) Adult male, length 2\ lines. This species is very nearly allied both to G. marginata, G. corcy-racea, and G. plumalis ; it is, however, smaller, and differs notably in the form of the radial joint of the palpus, as well as in other less prominent particulars. The cephalothorax is of a short oval form, pointed before and very flattened above, of a yellow colour, clothed with greyish ad-pressed hairs ; it is margined with blackish, and, besides a curved blackish irregular line from inside each lateral eye of the hinder row to the thoracic junction, the sides have some blackish markings between the normal converging indentations. The eyes are in the usual position ; but those of the hinder row appeared to be very nearly equidistant from each other, each one of the hind central (oblique-oval) eyes being nearer to the lateral of the same row on its side than usual; each of the fore central pair seemed to be contiguous to the lateral of the same row on its side, and the two (fore centrals) form a line equal in length to that formed by the hind centrals. The legs are strong, moderately long, of a pale yellow colour, furnished with hairs, bristles, and spines (the latter chiefly on those of the two hinder pairs); the tarsi end with two slightly curved pectinated claws; but there appeared to be no scopula beneath them ; the relative length of the legs is 4, 1, 2, 3. The palpi are short, strong, similar in colour to the legs, and furnished with hairs and bristles ; the radial is about equal in length to the cubital joint, and has its outer extremity produced into a small, slightly curved, pointed apophysis; the digital joint is large, oval, pointed before, longer than the radial and cubital joints together ; the palpal organs are well developed, rather prominent behind, and consist of several corneous processes and spines. Falces not very large, a little projecting, conical in form, and of a palish yellow-brown colour. Maxilla, labium, and sternum normal in form, and of a pale yellow colour, furnished with hairs. Abdomen of a short oblong-oval form, and of a dusky drab colour, marked above with short blackish lines, spots, and striae, chiefly towards the sides ; on the hinder half of the upperside is a longitudinal series of transverse angular bars or chevrons of a clear pale drab yellowish colour, divided from each other by blackish lines or broken chevrons ; the underside has no markings. The spinners are greatly unequal in size, those of the inferior pair being more than |