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Show 1874.] BUTTERFLIES OF COSTA RICA. 331 Section Heliconoid Danaina. Genus 4. OLYRAS, Doubleday. 5. OLYRAS INSIGNIS. Olyras insignis, Salvin, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. iv. p. 163. n. 1 (1869). 6. OLYRAS MONTAGUI. . Olyras montagui, Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. p. 490 (1870) ; Lep. Exot. pi. 50. fig. 1 (1873). Formerly received from Bogota. Genus 5. THYRIDIA *, Bates. 7. THYRIDIA MELANTHO. Thyridia melantho, Bates, Ent. Mo. Mag. iii. p. 50. n. 87 (1866). See Cist. Ent. pars vii. p. 151 (Oct. 1873). Genus 6. CALLITHOMIA, Bates. 8. CALLITHOMIA HEZIA. Ithomia hezia, Hewitson, Ex. Butt. i. Ith. pi. 4. fig. 21 (1853). Genus 7. DIRCENNA, Doubleday. 9. DIRCENNA KLUGII. Ceratinia klugii, Hiibner, Zutr. ex. Schmett. figs. 801, 802 (1837). 10. DIRCENNA OLYRAS. Ithomia olyras, Felder, Reise der Nov. Lep. ii. pi. 44. figs. 5, 6 (" 1865"). 11. DIRCENNA LONERA. Dircenna lonera, Butler & Druce, Cist. Ent. v. p. 95 (July 1872); Lep. Exot. pi. 50. fig. 2 (1873). 12. DIRCENNA RELATA. Dircenna relata, Butler & Druce, Cist. Ent. v. p. 95 (July 1872) ; Lep. Exot. pi. 50. fig. 3 (1873). The two preceding species are both allied to D. olyras. 13. DIRCENNA GONUSSA. Ithomia gonussa, Hewitson, Ex. Butt. i. Ith. pi. 16. fig. 100 (1855). This has been confounded by some Lepidopterists with /. sosunga of Reakirt; the latter, however, belongs to the genus Hymenitis. * Cramer's figure of T. psidii is that of a common Thyridia, and quite distinct from the species figured by Bates, which appears to be an undescribed Methona, exactly copying it in coloi-ation. The latter is in the British Museum; and the name of M. confusa has been given to it: this will prevent the necessity of confounding the two genera, as proposed by Mr. Kirby (Cat. p. 19). 22* |