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Show 2/0 MR. F. MOORE ON T H E [May 5, 45. DIADEMA BOLINA, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 295 (1764) ; Clerck, Icon. t. 21. f. 2. 46. DIADEMA JACINTHA, Drury, 111. Exot. Ent. ii. pi. 21. f. I, 2(1773), ?. Diadema avia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 1. p. Ill (1793). 47. HESTINA NAMA, Doubleday, Gen. D. Lep. t. 39. f. 2. 48. EURIPUS CONSTMILIS, Westw. Gen. D. Lep. p. 281, $ . Euripus hallirothius, Westw. I. c. p. 293, 6". 49. LIMENITIS HYDASPES, n. sp. (Plate XLIII. fig. 2.) Male and female. Upperside dark rufous brown ; both wings with a transverse discal series of small oval white spots, and two sub-marginal rows of prominent dentate ochrey red spots, which are parallelly joined together by an intermediate row of dentate black spots, the outer row being also bordered by a black lunule ; a narrow black and a white streak within, and a ochrey red streak closing the cell; two ochrey white spots before the apex. Underside bright ochrey yellow, the discal maculated band and streak in cell, as above, black-bordered ; middle of the wings, outside the discal band, and a marginal series of lunules ochrey red; two black lunules near posterior angle of fore wing. Exp. 6 2f, 2 2f inches. Hab. Common about Cashmere. N O T E . L. ligyes (Hewits.) may be distinguished from this species in being of a dark or somewhat greenish-brown colour, the discal maculated band being formed of larger spots, the submarginal series of black dentate spots being bordered outwardly by a whitish (sometimes slightly fulvous white) dentate spot, and outer or marginal hardly apparent blackish lunules ; the underside is paler, and has more black diffused along the borders of the discal bands. L. trivena (Moore) may also be known by its much paler brown colour, and the very broad discal transverse band, which occupies nearly one third of the wing, the underside being also of a very pale yellow. L. ligyes is apparently confined to the Kumaon district, and L. trivena to the Simla district of the N. W . Himalaya. 49*. LIMENITIS DANAVA, Moore, Catal. Lep. E. I. C. i. p. 180, t. 6 a. f. 2. 50. NEPTIS ANANTA, Moore, Catal. Lep. E. I. C. p. 166, t. 4 a. f. 3, 6. Hab. Ruttun Pir. The male only of this species was hitherto known; the female in no way differs from the male, except in being larger. 51. NEPTIS AMBA, Moore, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 7, t. 49. f. 4. Hab. Ruttun Pir. 52. NEPTIS ASTOLA, Moore, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 560. |