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Show Cu WESSB, ofthe Elftorie of the World, Thefift. Bookeof theyirftpart andwould not be accounted Egyptians: as neither would the Kings bringing ea forth vptothemhis fier Agathocles; withthe yong logtd tieoe gan afolemne Oration,.Hetoldthem, Thatthe deceafedfatheriofthis their kin 4 I 4 ‘committed the childe into the armesofhis fitter, but vato the faith of them: o a nad Valiantright hands,the whole ftate ofthe kingdome did nowrelye, He hefon ‘ y og thereforethatthey.would be faithfulljand,as great neede was, defend theit ki ae sie thetreafon ofone Tlepolemm,an ambitious man;who traiteroufly went shears feon Diademevponhis own head, being a meere ftrangerto' the Royall blood He lei: all he produced beforethem a witnefle,that fhould iuftifie hisaccufation a dintlish mes, Now thoughitsverefo, that he deliueted all this with a fained ila of { oe and counterfeiting teares:yet the Macedonsthat heard him,regarded a any w ae he {pake; butftood laughing,and talking one to,another Diabedturiclodeeis oe hewas,totake{o much vpon him,as ifhe knew nethow greatly he-was ! i aot brake vpthe Affembly : He thathad called it being fcarceaware how Math " whi fore, whomthe old kings fauour had made mighty but neither wife be fi the ae thought to goc to worke, as had formerly been his manner, by viin shied ah quuinedy {ippreffion ofthofe that he diftrufted. Hehaledout.ofa teen le ue Be - tority,tothe Ttepolemus;and calt her into;prifon, This filled Alexandria th ru ares ci of people(though accuftomedto fuffer greater thiags whileft the netidians a old kings name)to meete inknotstogetherand vttéroneto sstbocgh sshadiden ec énthey had cotceiued extreamehare,againft thefe three pernici fect es;where-28 | POR alitharbelonged vito this Orphan ; whofe Father hadbeene Gonfederate with then | + ne, sng {p: ; both. So*-Ad. Lepiduswas (ent from Rome, to prorea from all vidlenée the kitie' of Ez * tefin./.30. gyptyelpecially againit astiochis, As forthe Macedonian; He was very foone found bus fied with ware at his owne doores. Alo scopas the Atolian, being'a Penfionerte'the Epyptianijwas fent into Greeceto raifean Artie ofMercenaties: What Lepidw cid in Egypt,Idoe notifinde: andthereforethinkeirnot improbable; that he was fent thither onelyonebfthe three Embafladors, * in the begitiniiis ofthe Watre with Phipnas Hathorinsib. beene fhewed before. As forScopas, "He fhortly after went vpitito Syria' with'his: Arpmie:where Wirlning many-places,among the reft of his A@s, he fubdied the Tewes.wh6 feemetoihane yeelded them! alittle before vate Astiocbmat fuch time as they faw him prepare for his Warre,anddefpaired of receining Helpe ‘fromEgypt. But ‘it' w fot long.creallthefevittories of Scopas came to nothing. Forthe very next yeere fo lowing, which was (accordingto 'B4/ebins)the fame yeere tliat Philip was beaten at Oy: nofeephialary Antiochus vanquifhed Scopas inbattaile,and recovered all that had bin lot, Amongthe reft,the Iewes with great will ingnefle returied vader his obédicnte'; and Were therefore by hinvvery gently entreated I } n| Thelhand of Egypr this great King did forbeare toinuade; and gan¢it ont, that hee Meantto beftow aidaughter of his owtie'in marriage vpon Prolwmie: either Hoping, as may feem,tharthe Countrie wouldwillingly fubmit icfelfe vito him, ifthis yong child whould happen to mifcarry;orel fe that greater purchafe might bemad¢in the Wetern paris of Afia, whileft Psizip was held ouer-laboured by the R omans. It appeates that he the a netes their confideration ofthe prefene indatie dongsyalecsaey was vety much diftracted); hunting (as'we fay two Hares at once with one Héithd! The MeAt,as atterpards he protied;yetno poeaon belo doh sbea gyptbeing'fuch as hath beétie declared; fecmed cafily to be fwallowed vpat once. One while therefore herookewhat he could gerin Sytia': where all'were willing (andthe Tewes among the reft, thoughhitherto they had kept faith withthe Esyptianyto'ydeld Werciome-what alfo mouedwith feareof harme: which: in way af ital i was likely to. doc vato the Citie, For " i een was alfo then inhis power,to ftop the prouifion of viduals w! ; hEcaeck: lexandria, Asthefe motiues wrought with the people: fob th wasto comeinto A- oo mee were= morehaftjly, ana aaee voles Eee ¢ fecretly apprehended one oftheir number, whom hee fufpe@ed_of icaitad gaint hing deliaeredhim vntoa follower ofhisGwe tob ane 3 poore Soldier was carriédinto an.inier tobhie OFth Pil Sao, secureah ' allhis apparrellt6 betormented® But whileftth fis alace,and there {tripped out of thingscuen\in chat purrpofe,there ofe,th i Ati pee peace Bhocles., ap Cad areadinetfefor Yepork SETLpblemus was Bh brought vnto,the minifter of Age- TorataoeesthentcvenoeaiseLaraere u eae See hitfelfe, and the door alone himfelfe out ofthe Palace, fe asSee= os fe ees coicigyes sane BOESLtt dinner.The Macedonians were as enPri edges,as.are Gites,chenne reerteeuoneshertloa Seatsheeheeaolfilon aich dn Soe Ye Souldioursthoughto lefic effet.: Sothe,old Bawd Ornanthe fled into a the Turkes Ianizars. Bei ctying out be than the d Cauia: ; : oe : nee ithe Citic, ; 2 DOLCE ; TES 7 clamours, made no leffea thes,$ and aera? Daughter ftayed:in the Court,ynrill the king:3 was taken from thatnow had him y cherieeepeasyBane, rad by:appointment of chofe felfe was {tabbed to death, by fome which teEe 5ae 9) brs people.dgatheiles hime manner ofenemies. His filter wasdrageednaked vi the office ali,triends ; thotigh ia his nother, with all to them belonenens naked vprand downethesftrects ; as wasallo 2 barbarous execiition ofiulfice. hie 3 pie enraged multitude committed vpon thent 5 iti pieces... a PURE De polling. qut their cy-¢s;,and) teaiing theai iThefe troubles in E ii pastou li feifure, though beara sree vp.King-dntiochusswho had rengeee Os f, Watrevpon young, Ptelemie.: Pailip © Macedonhad, the fame defire to ser what:ee ¢ Could of the childes eftare, But it hapr pened well,that Prelemie Phila a5 ae dedjhad doné many good offi ee inthe Punicke Were, which was now, newly:.¢oaddreffed themfelues.and Sat ‘nto the Romans, Varothemtherefore the Egyptians helpe again{bthe{e tio kings: wha thoughthey fecret™ aymaligned one the oth a Hed wre SR SNS EMG ObnCt, YEE had catned into, coucnant.to dinide, besweene vein a Ghiarrels betweene ArtalusPhilip,and the Greckes, promifedro afford him gtear advan. tage;ifhe fhould bring bis'Armie tothe Heéllefpont: Ontheotheffide? the tare of Es ‘He was abotitto make intafion'vp~ him obedience,Anothet while,letting Egy pt ON ditelus hiskingdomie 3 yet fuffered himfelfe eafily to be perfwadedby the Roman ' $Embaffadours,and defifted from that enterprifes Hauing thus farte gratified the Roé mans - He fends Embafladors to the Senate, to conclude a ‘perfe@amity berweene him andtheim,.Itis not lightly tobe ouerpatled; That thefe his Embaffadors werelonitiglyentertained at Rome; and difmiffed, with a Decreéand anfwer of thé Sefiatealtoge- therto the honour of king' Axtiochus: Butrhis anfwer of the Romans Was not fintcere's being yatherframed according to regard ofthe kings good liking,that oftheir owneintent. They had noryetmade an end.with philip: neither would they gladly bee't bled with two great warres at once. Wherefore; not fanding much vpon thehice éx. amination of what belonged vntotheirhonout, they' were content to gitie good wails forthe prefents»In the meane time' Antiochas Fights with Scope in Syria, and fhoitly hee 40 Prepares to wvinne fome ‘Towns' elfewhere, belonging vato Prélontie's yet withall fends ari ArmieWeftward, intending tomake what profit he' can of the dift ractions in How Greecé! Likewife: iris: confiderable, °asan argument of‘his muchirrefolution, Aotwithftanding his attempts vpon BorhoF their kingdomes, hee Offered one-oF "his of aughters roPre/omie,'and another to Eamenes the fone of Aitalus; newly ‘King'hee whet ergamus: fecking cachoftheir friend{hippes, at one atid the fametime; onee'; es deliberating ought to make each of themafpoyle. Thus was hee acting arid of gréat, cing carticd with aninexplicable defire ofrepugnancies, which'is'a aitale thd ouct=felling fortunes: Howfoeuerit was, Hee fetit an Arinie'to Sarde sby Land, for him} whileft he hinifelfe Vaden two of his owne fonnes » willing thenthereto ftay otter veflels, intetded to palle'ahundred Gallies;and'two ofanhundred Fleet $ witha fiich places' 45 ‘Held for the Eeyp ; long by the. Goaftsof Cilicizand Catias taking in the warre Of Philip fe flan, Tt was ainorable AGofthe Rhodiats; chat, whileft ARs this great' Aariscbus? whey fe fe ysede PMtheir hands} hey aduencutéd vpon mbaffage swheteby they gauelhinito yriderftand,: That it he peice ' sah 4 sek : Ai<itaine Promontotieid Ciliciathewould meee him aiid eee ad Oy sift des = ¢ a 4 AY quarrel] of their's ynto hithbat peeaufehe flioutd not ioyne with neither feemed it o~ them, doneof infolently was It againftthe Romans, and helpe rae him Sato ges «King: yet he tempered himfelfe,and without etwilé, to prefcribe {uchlimits ynto the Kin "P pppp i 2 any 91 |