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Show OF thethird Booke. Tha eiye a Eh & V ITE. © epee es © Au Perdicdas haapagesteBaypty ianBD death. . Pydna.Olympiasyee/dst¢ Caffander. vt VA A. "aened Wimg py pha xol Awee VierieriPERE in the Tower Afia: CHAP. ¥: PLT rs The death of Olympias, avd her condition, = ; toi, Caffander celebratesthe Funtrall of Aoh G.YX ridinsavd Buitydice :teks to make bins. Dacene, the Burydice betweenie ~VRogap reli Jelfe King of Macedon. and Pythohi theProtector. Pytlion Helignes bis Office,intg witiel' Goa pater is chofen. anbhiosd 38% eh day Ptitigoriis, Lrewtewant ofAfias winnes a Nora, Hee vangquifbeth other followers of Perdiccase ; eee _ Prolomie winnes Syria and Phoenicia. Whe death ofAtitipater? ° OfPoly {perchon,ivho ficceeded ynto An- Lipaterinthe' P rerector[bip. The infarrecti- on ofCaflander aguinSt-hin. 5 MPLA s He iourney Evmenes ‘into Perlis, Hi wife dealing with thefe that ioyned with hina. Ofthegreat commotions raifedin Athens by Polyfperchonsdecree.The death ofPho- cion. §. XVI. OfPolyfperchon his vaine Expedition agtinft Caflander.. ~ eee GY ONY, Lc Antigonusfeckes to make himfelfe an abSolute Lordiand thereupon treats with Eu- meres,whodifappointeth him. Phrygia and Lydia won by Antigonus. eee eee eCYy hls ' Antigonus purfees Eumenes. Eumenes haning Authoritie from the Court, rayfeth gregh rareagaing Antigonus in defence of theRayshhonfen. . §. IL How Antigonus comeing to [et upon Eu- mehies} was drinew ofwith lo/fe. §. IIL. c ben OfEumenes bis ewnning, Abattayle tweene him ana Antigonus. P eG TITE. a Ofdiners firatagemtespractifed by Antigonus, avd Eumenes;/ one againfithe other. SMe . others, & The sepiicpaPeuceftes and t:fe. shis gainft Eumene { : §. VI. é" Fhelaf} Battaile betweewe Antigenus Eumenes. WV I. , §. XIX. : How Eumeneswie betrapedto Antigonis How the Princes of Macedon flood affedt- andlaine. : ; edmutually, Olympias takes Arideeus and §. VII. Eurydiceswhomfhe cruellypurstadeath, Hove Caffander wae srenenged mpon'Q lympias. ava How AntigonusfewPython, andocr Corer? ed Media. ‘How be remomed Pesta, Lordof bimfelfe Proninces,and made tes. Peucel away g . carryin © Avoay Ping t of Baby re How Seleucus was chafed of hae has ¥. % Opteaver Expedition of Caffandet2O- lon,by Antigonus. The great rit lympias/huts herfelfintaPydia,where tigorilis: Caffander Lefiegeth her. Bacides King of e e Epirus, comming to fuctour Olympias, é Sorpakensama mee y os ovone Subicé?s. \ Acomtinuation of Olymipias berSeory, Polyfperchon defeatedioonrcamieranaineds t | Their STS, The. preparations ana beginnings of the warres. ; §. III. CHAP. Egype', Afia /"Mactdon} Thrace, and others, omtdl all Alexandets Princes were confumed. ade Lhe 1c How the Citic of Rhodes.was befieged. bp Demetrius. I : §. LIL ; : How Demetriuspreaailedia Greece, Cal {anderdefires peace of Fntigonus, and Cap not obtaiveit. Gregt preparations ofWarre How cach part fought to win the a/ssflance ofGreece, Antigonus hi declaration againjt Caflander,c*c. againft Antigonus, TheRrolians7ifeagainf? Callander, in : SGI. Thewaworthytoar]es, beld by Polyfperchon,for the keeping downeofCaffander. §.,.1. . t He expedition of Antigonus ecsinft EB gypt, with ilfuccefe. casos Afia. 20 SSKPTT, §._I1. He combination of Ptolomie Caflander demands, and his anfwer. Of the read Lordfhip which Antigonus gotin'~ Of the Warres betweene the Kings of and others, againft Antigonus. CHAP.IIIT. bitFaileofEtinieries, and be/feperh "him in CHAP? Vil Ofthe zreat Cinill Warre betweene A" Jexariders (aptaines's:and:howthey allumed the name and pri: fare ofKings, and are beaten,rr. fauourofAntigonus,Oy How Ly fimachus and Caflander vanqui- §, ILL. How Antigonus waslainesn a great. bate s taile at Ipfus,recre wpto Ephelus, wherei a. oft. wasl e cfat e his whol §.4V. i- hed Some Enemies, raifid aga: iif them by How Demetrius, for/akenby the Athen ' Vidlories ofPtolomie by Sea.Agreat bate tellat Gaza, which Prolomic ‘and Seleucus City Athens , How Demettins» cathe Lop Afia, Of aut , ece Gre 1 ed nai pre ana ng thedeath of, ari fel n, edo Mac n esi troubl \ i Caflander. Antigonus. Thegoodfucce(fe of Antigonus ans after bes ouerthram, was rerpucheareocin Afiaand Greece: with the Rebellion of leucus aad Rrolemig; beginateg 4 vertare etsn many Cities againft Caflander. tune, and fportly.epbrdeg drogen gibarr g. VI: Wea: 5. manneagain(t Demetrius thefoune-ofAntigonus.. > ee §. VIL in Macedon. ofPyrrhus, aad his dajngs Demewadehim/elfLord of many Countries, sa.the The death-of Caflandess Childrepa eesa¥é nap edo the Mac of ah m me gao kingdo Kin ofthe ehe trius gcees bigher Afia, The Axa ; of thxepasbarivt Greekes: which began with this Dowteron of in war agatafh the Greene anaige fis cigs rhu vi a Seleucus, in bis marie agains Pyr s; e How Scleucus xecaxertd Babylon, and Be 8. Vi LL How Ptolomie lofall that lee hadwenne in Syrinsvhat rhe canfés wereofthe quiet 0- Gonernmedt; ang filtae Fa PB pares #0 ae ene Demetxiuse I urelus all con{pireaz n/? Aree se bis ; him le a s Ly! jachius Ma- me of bedience,pirformed unto the Macedonians, roPyschus:o/h esthe Kingao ; chuss I Perfiby thofe that bad bin[abiedd unto the codon, mith Lyin §. VIII, an Empire. Ofdiners petty eaterprizes, t4atheving forces, enter ken in hand by Antizonus and Demetiwus, How Demetriu$e th)ILfmoceffendm Gieece pa : ngs : thi fe. ny with illfucce( prifed. pia rs , Selen: f 2 ', nsRan drine fi, pies 0G M NG a nd Afids cIO he al BAI . ne bi h qed ton Tow ken. tA generall peace, made andbro 4ndcomp od a cus,0 s sa ‘ ; h: alithe boufe ofNlexander was defrayed, prisonment ana deat re, chys e fimao S fs TOiUg How Demetris the fonne ofAntigonus, Th: e death of PI s e de yrds the raf Ba t tha Sane liberty to Athens, expelling the Garris, cu j e andofScleu yieh other oceurr i :9Uh es:v imes fons of Caffander aut o/ bbofepares,cre. anders Ceaptain ee §. XT: : The great victory' of Déemetritis aoainfe CHAP Polomiciz Cyprus. How Antigony44" Demetrius tooke on thei theflile ofKingss, |