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Show TheJecand Booke of thejiripart Cua 7S34F Cuary7§.3.4.8, ofthe Fiftory ofthe World, wherof foure are {cated alinoft ofequall diftance fiomcach other:t8 witCaftium, Lani erti,Monefort,Indib(or Saron)Caftrnm Regiutn,and Belforg:‘Thefirttiecre the Sea vn. F.\ VAIITOfthe Riners and Mdountaines ofAffer. erthe Hills of Saron:the next three;to wit, Indio,Montfort, an'R egium, ftand more @withia the Téand; and belongedtqthe Brotherhoaod.and felldwhhip, of the Feutonici; or Dutchnights\by which they defended theinfelues, and.gauc {uegour, to other Chriftis ansat fuch timeas the Saracens pofleft rhe belt parrofithe vppex Galilee.) the, chiefe. of which Order was in Ptolomais Achan. The firt fortrefle was for beanty andvftrength called Belfort;feated inthe highground vpogthe River Naat, necre the Citie-Riama: of whichin this Tribe 7/1 9,29-totwhichthe Vulgar readessHorma ; making thearticlea la, L4.c.4 part Of the word, and miftaking the yowels; fromthe fiege ofthis Cattle of Bel fort,the 1 great Saladine Kidgof Syriaand Egypt, was by the Chriftians Army, raifed, and,wish great loffe anddifhonoar repulfed. Tothe Ealft of Belfort,isthe (trong Cityof Alab(or Achlab)which Saint yeromecal. icth Chilab, one of thofe that defended them{elues againft 4er,as Roob(or Rechob notfarre thence did. : : Towards the South from Roob theyplace Gabala(which-Herod {urnamed the Afcalofofrbannry. Diterebuilt) making itofthe Territory ofChabol, Quod Syrorum Lingua difpicere fiznifeat price ssto, (Lith wesbenbure)fo called,becaule Hiram of,‘Tyre wasill pleafed wich thofe twenty Ci. ail ties, feated hereabout, which Salomoz presented vnto,himin ftecompence of, thole protun.amor.in Yiigns {ent himforthe building ofthe Temple.Others think this Chabol(or Cabul)con-29 1 keg.gtre taining a circuit ofthofe twenty. Cities giuento Htram,to pafic of theholy Land: hough bordering A theron 11..[hat they wereiz Regione limits: thar isin limite hauebeene without the com: He Riuerstothe North of4/er;arewAdonesafterward Canu,cowhich Ziegler ioyneth Lycus;Ptolomy,Leontis:both whichfall into the Sea necre Berytas: which Ris uer of Leontis , Adontanus drawes neere vnto Zidor : finding his head notwith- 4/e.Tab.<. ftanding,where Pto/omy doth,betweene Zédavand Tyre. Tehath alfoa-Ri der called fons hortorum Libani,which Adrichome out ofBrochard intituleth Eleuther us : for 4° fociteth Pliniesand the firlt of Adachabees the 11.Cha pter,but neither ofthofewhich he alauthorities Plink prouc Elewtherus tobe int a/ferfot this Rikerfalleth into theSea at the Me ofArtd ns: NOt fie. Tab,4. farve from Balanea,witnefle Ptolomie:and therefore Pineruscallethir ValaniaandPopellas } *thofian ¥elana:whichRiucr boundeth Phevicie on the North-fide:to which butthis principal! Riuer ofAer, Arias Moutanus callethGabatys, Strabo al{o agreeth: Sp 7,ureerwns Chriftianns Chrot out d The word of themouthand Papers of Pecer Laicflan( which Larcfaz in this our age both viewed fale: soa and defcribed the Holy Ltand)calleththemaine River cons bortorwim Libeni sabdone of fora Vailcy ot the {treames which runnethinto it froni.the North-fide;Waa r; and) another from the fora Riuer:bue pouth-welt;ehabylof che City. adioyning ofthe fame name:fo rEleat herusit canoe be. oe Be There isalf{o another Riuer,deferibed by..ddrichome,named lepthael, which} findein nek 4° other Authour,and for which he citeth the nineteen th of /o/wa,butthe word 4 Ghe which 7 isadded there.to Jeprhacl,isnottaken for a Riuer, but fora Valley sandfora Valley.the. 1 Vulgar, the Ceneua,and.Arius Montanus turne it. There is alfo foundin 4fer,the Riuer ofBt tud.c. Belus, cemembred by o/epbusand Tacitus, whichis alforca lled Pagidas;faith* Plinie: tell Pe Outof the fands ofthis Riuer are made the bet Glafle, which fometime the Zidamidis. x¢> itis calle practifed »and.nowthe Henetians.at Adurana..Avids AMontanas makes Belés to bealbranch oe(rch Of Chedumim, which itcannot be for Belasis knowne toflow xia, asall Co/mographers,both Ancientand Moderne, andthe! fromonstlte Lake-Cende- manyvnder~ later, Txaudilers: into. thofe Banden othes parts, witnefi the Northfide : asitis faidjr Reg. Regtonis,in che border ofthe Couns trey. :. for itwas not layfull, fay they,to giuetoftrangers any part ofthe poffefiicnsallotted tothe Iftaclites:howfoeuer,that after Hiram had refufed themsthey. were peopled by 2 Sam.10.6. theIfraclites,itappeares, 2 Chron. 8.14. Anditfecmes they were conquered «by Dawid fromthe Syri Rechobee, whole City Roob, or Rechob, 95)! Almottof equall diftance from. the Cattle ofThoronwasia thefe partss: , they'place'the Cities ofGilcat la,and Gada ra: famous by dred Thecues,gr ted the conque herto be placed ouer Jordan: Gifcala was made af fhi Booke ofthofe Watres,This soba betrayingin all hee ediin the vpwritten.at laro¢,in his fecond could the, City of Gifcala(where ol hewas fiatiue)to the Xoman State and finding amefiftancein the City) gaue oppor tu nity,during the Somtention,to the Tyria ns and Gadarims,to furprizeic\: who at thie fame tune forftir, and burnt it tothe gronrid wo afterward tendred.to Titus by compo : but being by lofephasaurhority rebuilt, it was fition.. They finde alfo the Gities.of;GanaM in Nephthalend We soSades,(or Cadella) of aior, the frit Was that Syro-phenician whofe.Daug htér:Chrit Mathis. Achinered of the cul] Spirit.: Neererhe ether ,theyfay, ix wag: chat, Jonarhes-stdebaboas'? Mark.7. - Querthrewthe Ainlyof Demetrius, co Telephonaew there arebefides the{e foren amed Cities within the Tribe of.‘Affer 5 seat HO fouth border, and neere dines the Sea, Mefall or Mitheall, = within theLi , others: 4 fone Bet dagon.and Bethemec,ftandi and « Belt, ng oa the fouth borde; betweene,A thera rid Zabnlon? which Io 13. + wc holy Land that way * Vader which towards the Sea is ‘Ghalij andehe n ap Eek 47. Bnoch fuppofed tobe bu ilt by Caéz,and name d of his fonne Exoch,but without probs Su ed Thaue formerly proued, There are others alfo befidesthefe, as Ammon ee o oe n ~Chamm immon,o on of f whiwh chJof-19 of -28.wherealfo borbe Venathetoh Page ieeheiciais the City offlesiainn contont "an30 wereade of7 Nehiel ‘ amelec i ton ' the Cities of Alcath) df Chelta th; Habdonand Rechoh ate €.whi,an d Bech wee §2 wereby, the Afferites gigen tothe Bho Of others the. Ganaanitcs, mentio n ismadeytudges 1.30.t held by o Which out of "ldfws bron,Amhad, an; others, wee may adde on Which noftory havealrcad¥ mentioned, ths. defepiprion withehem, 3 O29 3° use ius fartherto.the soatsbetweene Caiphixoand: Sieamiss ions, ° yi Witnelle Leg len,' Adrichowiusyand Schposs: penGalileewas greatly.indangered:whereo os e..It is truethatthe Riuerof Chifontaketh water from-Chedumim ; but'not in that fafhion which Atontanus hath defcrib edit: neither doth it find the Sea at Ptoldwa siiedicher os ‘ is ning by Petra Aeon,according to Afontan dependeth .-andth fore I wilinot peltet es Lake: Sirbonit, Belides thefe.R iuersthetearediuers faniousSpriigsand Fountaiuesyasthat of lining & opis Ea Watcts idioyning to Tyne sand.# Maferephot, whofe Well filled by the floud ofthe Sea adioynox after Saint Hicrome; Wafer ephot mains, proeliaa land lng the warer.make {alt thersofasan Nant mich, ing,(they fay) the Inhabitants by feeths whereabout c vonpis » Lhe Mountaines which bound -dffenorithé North} Kbinocoluras arethofe of nAiti-libanus, whichfar wich city With Libanas bound Ce lefyria:twogteat ledges of Hillsyw hich fiom the Sea ofizhan¥- Turing takeoh cfeand Sprigsex-endthemf{elues fanyeinve che Land Eaftaward: foure-+hundret h ftadia or slasaesian furlongsaccording toStregasforthatilength he giueth tothe MalleywkGede/yrie: which butcHow(o tudr 4ethole Mountainesincl ofe.: but PAnie ginesthem 1500, furlongs in length frofrthe Weft Teleecaes : C where they begin at Theipfouhon, or Dei facies neexe Taspolss)vo the Mountaines of.4ré' be a Riier2s bia beyond Damafcus-where Avti-libayasterneth towardsiebe South) Thefe ledgeswheré Gity.it appear they begin to pait Traeomitic.and Bafa fromthe Defert Arabia;are called Hermon: which aes é4ofes alfonamerh Sioz,the Phanician¢ Spriens dnd the cimbrites Sanirs neither és this any in the;North| one Mounraine apart; buracontinuation of Hills: which running farrh¢r foitherky,oyg Poust-of she inthe Scraptures ca led Gzlead holy Landy iof, or Gileadethe fame being ila patrofZabamus,asithe'Prd shet 7; 1424 a the Pact Hieremy prouc py th : Galzadtamibh; S4phh La bant:-moringthanch is Getead isthe highest South-baupdy Os hole Hillsof Libanus.. Straboknow esshem by.thename of Tracosittc: atid Ptalovse colletheaten by Hipeus, Arius Mtoptanuscalleththefe Mountaines Otbenu. bordering Afar, tpbamus; fovianitit ginall Nowa me 2 SOntEARY.t0 all ophex. Cofmagnaphenss burhe giuct boyevn the fem hnotcafon Sh his. opinion, They take the name of Libanus fromtheit\ white cand Seion, tops, becaule according ro: Tacitus » GF This,Rarase the higheft of chem #t¢ coucr ed with Snowall, he Summer: the-Aebram word: Libin y dy graphy by (fait 1 Weifemture) tio nifethwhitencll kincence.whi umhoic Trees. yeeld. es Others call them by that narhe \of the Fraiy Plind, §ecsx@n :, becaule aitdont isalfo the ‘Gretke Gummie. word for ithiat Theilcqs4b, Sys ; seit Strabli « b VIE os : ; x yt Bonn of Avhradi/rus afirmeth Pte. Afier'Etbe >) thaton Libanus-there falleth4-kinde j which : of hony 4. sverents st . ' <ewWhich is by the ; Suans congealed jncohard fugarwhichthe Inhabitant 9 Palos N¥s.p2g s calb Sade .503. OP OM whence came the Latine word Sascar ium. Ff The |