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Show $$ $$ 460 - ---- Tbefecond Booke of thefirstpart Sel vans Tennwpereees DEOCIni = ae ----- Cu AP.21,§ Rf CHa Pag ne him , {hee rent her ¢ lothes, andcryed few dayes after her:whether Athalia left any behinde hex sit is vncertaine ; fhehad fons . 1 ¢ x t liuing after fhe was Queene, of whom, of of any other, that they w: ere flaine with pace oe a Seeman was quietly going, without anymiftrut Treafonrea a : fe ith when fhe found occupiedby another, thenthe began be meaneata wate = ake caft aw ay, and cryed out in vaine ypon the Treafon, whereb on * fh at erifh. But that fhe came witha guard of armed mentothe Tem- her; we doe notfinde. cae , Thisisamatter not'vnworthy of éonfideration, in regard of muchitt lat may depend vpon it. Forifthe children ofAthalia had beenéin Lerufalamnwh emtheir Mot herfell; theirdeath would furely haue followedhers as neerély'y andbeéene vegiftved'; ag4avell = ue - ake aaa and that her company. being beaten backe, fhee entredalone, eS Tyrant, I finde os where oe andcd: ihe people . pto kill the yong > truely known howthings went,fhewould fire. therdoeL hold it credible. For had the truely nn hi Se tet iends about her,and vied thofe forces in defence of her Crown, oeoeoe poten had held it.Certainely,if it were gr need jthat the, . A 2 iramis; asthe death of Atartan the Prieft of Baal, Thar Law: by which God forbad thar £ z eS, children |bould die for the'fathers,could not hae faned thefe vngr, aciou s Imps; who the claufefollowing would hauecut off which command s, thatenetie man {ould die ence enter the place alone, when heraififtants were kept out ; but if thee,per- hed the houfe of Bua/ with the {poyleofit ; likelyiviss:that they haue efcaped with life, if Ieboiada the Prieft could haue gotten them into thould née his hatids; = zs ol either herauthority, northeir owne weapons could preuaile to let-in Asthere was lawfullcaufe enough requiring their death, fothe {ecur ity of the King ahdhis friends that raumdisnanid neuertheleffe take vpon her tocommand the deathof the new King, clings childe of feuen yeeres olda Confpirator , and «20; Same to ‘0" whom the faw to be armed inhis defence, may wenotthinket iat oe mi . moftextreame degree? Certaine it is that the counfaile of oe 1 a a s, ofallthe Land, cranedas much, and that Forthefe hadbeene efteemedas heires oftheir mothers Crown ¢,an very earneftly, d being reekonéd as her afitftantsin that particular bufineite of robbing the Temple; ziiay ‘bee thoughe to haue caitiedaigteat {way in'other matters, as Princes; & fellowes witht heir Mother fect, in her deftruction , had the vied the moft likely meanestoc a " nn in the Kingdomé. Thereforeit is euiidents that eithe they r were 26 following Hazael in his warres againtt Zebu) abfent from Teruf nowdeadyor¢Perhaps alem 3 whereby Iehoiada neede notfo cut her throate with any morall impoffibilities.It is enough to fay; th godly zeale oflehofada found more eafie fucceffe, th rough her indife I ee wife could haue beene expected ; fo that: at his appointment, { hee "< wit a adoe,carried out ofthe Templeandflaine, yea fo, that no Lloud, faue her owne, might, wvith the niore confidence, aduentureto take'Ar més again{t their Mother yd rat was defolate, fhed in that quarrell;her {malltrain that fhe brought along with her,not daring toftand in her defence. ols APY XXIL §. VEIL Of loas and Amatia,with their Contemporaries , whereSomewhat The death of Attialia, with a comparifon ofher and Tezabel. of the building of Carthage. like itis,that rhalis had many times,with great indignation,bewailedt ; Mint ofher Nephew ane Salant did foolithlycaft tise into the very throate ofdanger, gaping ypon him, onely throughhis or defire of quickly knowing what the matter meant : yet, fhee her felfe, by thelike ce, §.5, Ofloas His doings, whileft Ichoiada the Price lined, wastaken in the like trap,and hauing lined fuch alife as xezabel had done,was os nf with a futable death, .Thefe two Queenes were in many. points much alike, Kw i them was Daughter, Wife, and Mothertoa King ; each of them ruled her hus . 5 was an; Idolatrefle and a.Murdrefle. The onely difference appearingin theircon a ons,is,that Jezabel is more noted as incontinent of body., Athalia as ambitious: fe that each ofthem furuiuing her husband about eight yeeres, did {jpend their time ee tistying her, owneaffedtions; theone viing tyrannie, as the exercife of her ee - minde; the other painting herface, forthe ornament of her ynchafte body. r a Ythe death ofAthalia, the whole! Coun trie of Tnda wasfilled with teat ioy and quictmeffe ; wherein zazs, a.chi ldé of feuen yeeres old orthere-about, began his reigne; which continied almoft fortie #4! yeeres: During his minority; heliu ed vider the protection ofthie #| honourable man Ieboiadathe Prieft; who. did as faith fil ly gouetine AH the Kingdome, as:he had before carefully prefe rued the Kings lifé! ai] Sc refto red: him:ynro' the Throne oFhis anceftors: When| le came to mans eftate,he tookeby appoininentofreb ofade two gt Sonnesand Da ughtets, s,and bes repairing'the family of Dadid,which was almofwiue t worne Thefirhk A@tkat}nee took ein hand ; Wwhemhee beganto rule withoues Prote ouit; the reparation bft he'Fempl ctor;wwas e. Itwas aridedfull piece ofworke, in regard ofth wherein that hol yplac e déeii e was'fallen; throughthe wickednefleiof vagodly Tyrants. and requifite ir'was tha thet hould vp-holdthed Temple; whom the Temple had vp-held, This bufineheh het erollowed wit flackethan hej but euenJehoi nfo earneftazeale)thatinot only the Leuites were more kde wasfainé to be quickened byhis adihionition. Money was gatheredfo mannerof their death little difference there was > Orinthofe things which WF‘ in this world to pertaine ynto the dead when they are gone. Each of themmay was #4 onthefddaine by Confpirators, and each ofthe eo re m exclaiming vpon che Trealonii ceiued fentence from the mouth ofonethat had liued vader her fubiection ;1in e ' tion whereof, /ezabel was tramp led ynder the feetof her enemies horfes; Athalia me at her owne horfe-gate ; the death of thalia hauing (thoug 3 yetofherbiriall chereis no monument, : mr the was a Church-robber. T he feruice : was ofBaal erected by thefe two eee aRelig ftroyedas foone as they were gone, and their the! Priefts of aey wert on,flaine. Herein alfo it came to paffe, alike,Chaplaines,, as touching whenthey fanat7" dead ; the Kings who flew them, were afterwards afflicted;themboth both oft themby the f the hand\ of siazae/the Syrian ;in.w! hich point Arhalia Syrian (who feemes.to haue beene her had the greater honour, ; ani part of his quarrel to Iuda, Concerninggoodfriend) pretended her reecrifhedia children, all belonging to seeabe! P fel Dext a < 1 } he beene beenc profeflors and aduancers they had thereforethat fo for his ownefinn e. Secing of that vile and Idolatrous:swvorthip of. Baal, yea had tobb ed the Templeofthe Lord, and enric did march in the head of her troupe, yet it had beene meere mad- fure to vexe her prot heart ; that ofIezebel the more indignihtormuch) the MrbOdie tie,and fhame 0 sel Touchingtheir burial], sezabel was deuoured by Dogges jasthe Lord had wr ic if by the Prophet Eas ; whatbecame of Athalia. wee doenot finde. Like enough fiyfte-* s that fhe was buried,as hanin § not perfecuted and flaine the Lords Prophets a red the Priefts to exercife their funtion of the Fiiftorie of the World, : rthe o hatges of the. partly out ofthe lib erali tyofthe worke;partl y-outrof the taxe impofed by Moles, 2.chro people who gaue {ofree ly, that the:Temp all reparations: wy.as-enriched léebelides with velfels of gold and fuer and with 3°files: The {acrifice s all other Vien. likewife wére offeredyas v7: nder godl y Kings'they had beene;and'the {cruiceiofGud Wasmagnifi cently célebrated ¥v3 24 165 |