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Show - Cwavso.$.6. SE . TbefecondBooke ofthefirstpare Cnar.1o.gy, i zumamiitoss ox Raphaims were expelled, yet they did ‘not forget their OF the fourth Townewhich was Ramothin Gilead, weereade oftenin the Scripture, t, reades ith burhatting thefe two Kings ofonekinred,and both valiant arid vndettaking rrien,towi , ate ee and Og and sehon, both Amorites, they recouered agairie much of their loft poffeffions Mite for the'recouering of which King Achablotthis life. Jansius thinkes that Ramatha p2,0f which Jofaa 13.26. wasthis Ramothin Gilead. Concerning the place where Late han.andJacob fare onetotheanother, asit was called Gilead, whichis as muchas a witnefling heape,becaufe ofthe heape of Stones which Labapand his fonnesleftfora mo: aument;, foal{o thatit was calied a4it/pah, which fignificth ouer-looking (becaufe there they.called God to ouer-fee and be witnefle ro theircouenant) it is plaine by the place, Gew,31.49.that in thefe parts there was not onely a Towne, but likewife a Region called a4it/pa,i appearcs,Jo/ 11.3. where wereade ofthe Chiuuites vader Hermen, in the & Of other Coantric of A4ir/pa, * the Towneof Adit/pa, asit feemes both bythis place,,and inthe | thrultthe fonnes of Lo ouer theMounzaines, anid into thé Defarts. And‘as the Kirigs suk rear or Captaines of Perfia and Affyria, (remembredin the 14. Of Genefis ) made way for ne had tier thofe ‘two agian,ye it 16 W4mmon, Moab; arid Edom, fo by that great conqueft which Mofes cpanot beta Ainorites, Og and séhon, did the Moabites and Ammonites take opportiiitie to looke Backe againc into thofe plaines oe when the Reubenites; Gadires, and Manaflites FOFi felfe, bur of fooke the worthip of the liuing God, and became floarlifiull and licentiows, they taking msim ad the advantage inuaded them, and caftthem outoftheir pofleffions : and-were fometime cS their iiiafters,fometime theit tributaries, as they pleafed ordifpleafed God : and accor- townesofthis -she verfe following, being not inthe Hill Countrie, but in the Valley. But fecing that ding tothe wifedome atid vertue of their Commanders. had ihe'eeof Iephta the Iudgeof d/rael, who after hecame home from Tob, (whitherhis brethren Bewiemine Arinen-him ) dwelt in this Towneof44it/pa, whodoubtleffe was of the Tribe of Me * Jwder 1.35 whichplace this Towne of 42#/pa rather in Gad,than in Manafe, By Iudas Macchaben : zaffeand thenceat firit expelled by his brethren, itmay feeme that they doe not well this Towneof 42ét/pa,(whetherin Gad or in Atana/fe)wasvtterly {poiledand burntandit FAMGHS35-malesofit {laine : forit wasthen pofleft of the Ammonites. Betweene Succoth (of which wee haue {poken) and the Riuer Zsboc was thar Peniel Geii32-36. OF Pennel, which name fignifieth Locum faciei Dei; A place where the face of God wi feene: So called for memory of the Angelsappearing to Jacob, and wreltling with kim Tudg.8.17- there : the churlifhneffe ofwhich Citie, in refufing torelieue Gideon, was the caule that his returne he overthrewtheir Towre, and flew the chiefe Aldermen thereof.Tothele in placesofthe Gadires then adde Rogelim, the Citie ofthat greatand faithfull fubiett Bar- durin 2Sti-19:33- =illaj.asit feemes, not farre from Aahanaima,where hee fuftained King Dawid, i ofw ig : ne they adde the Towneof Gaddi,Arzon,and i Abfaloms rebellion.Tothefe Alinsis, ee ete ace, Gaddi, being in Hebrew no morethan Gadaita, is ignorantly made a name ofa plact.3? Dist2.24 Arnon alfo no where appeares to be the name ofa Towne,but ftillof aRiuer. AlimitA-; frames OF % aniyor, ¥ Mac.5.26. fothatthe namethould rather bee Alena; Theleteers drichomius aSeninche but luwins out of : Jofephus reades Malle, forthis in; Alimis : and vnderftanding AsM : 10 Esteeie ve- bee put for Adillo, andtobeeas much as Aunitie, (as wee haue fhewed touching the oe Milloof the Sechemites ) heetakes this AZallz, to bee Mit{pa Moabitaruns , of which taken for ano- 1. Sa7#. 22.3. Asforthat Aazeth which Adrichomius findes in this Tribe of Gad, it 6 ther.andfome- that Mabacath, which Mo/es notestobe as farreasthe furtheft of AZana/fés, out ofthe wnins rakestobe which1 Adac.5..10.(which of (renoekin Soalfo Darhema, ook miftskingone bounds of this Tribe. Fthe Ammonites) the Cerri place 33-18.a Nam. which Rithma,of * jsputforano! oft Territory the aachey ben ateribured ‘an and Abel vincaram, gthin ; fo:#0~ORE 004° Teeth andin likemanner Ainzith, pal we haue Doda- the Gadites, or to their borders,yerthey are found fartheroff., For of the two laft wee 72111.G eM. 10. & it feemes by that place of thebooke *OTEaeR Tyade in Zephta's purfuit of the Ammonites : feated asSaduhe otheriof chau.ia.t% ofthis Cicie Of Judges the former.of themin the South border, cer s bordes,bothfarrc remoued fromthe Gadites. Butthe chiefe City ofthe Ammonites ca ouch and aerisans RG faite from the borders of Gad. Iris called in the ScripruresLit Arte:k in keelsBsReti"LL, imore often Rabba.. It is fuppofed to beethat Phi -‘by haps ie vi PechiyihaI seit.Hieron and Califfiws in -drabia. It was cond ou Gigatecasohnebiol Oa barlehtc oe itfeemes neuerpofleftby the Ifraclites, after all cat Bethefame.¢- SF che yas at poet mmonites: whereuponat lengthit became the oi ig wit flaroth one of CG onites, but of old it wasthepoffeffion ofthe Zamzummims. : whic a Ge = & ee ne aysetneD forall manner ofcraft and wickedneffe infamous. The fame vee : | Whichimthae 20.S4u60 Sapiain, of whom was Og, which recouered much ofthat which the Ann ‘1 feria which remai- ites had got from his Ancc{tors : who hauing beene firft beaten by the Affyrian® . a befpo-: their affiftants(asthe Emimsin Agoad.and the Horimsin Sefr had beene) were ah by by the Ammonites,as the Emims were by Moab,and the Hori conquered the eaficr ver fis_tirichamie ee git 4 a us layes, mt wa: m J . es es i arty defcenaces ~ were dit 1 neans.¥ et did the races ofEmoreus,of whom thefe Giants alfo talledi*vbs tend dwithid as Sebox ofHesbor ha pelt oft with the Conquerours for their ancient inheritance:and aquarium, bee i caute of the in pollettadeeb, fohad Og of Bafana the Ammonites, and berwecne them recoucredthe pat , 333 * Mofes atid Tfrael found all thofe Cities and Couurittiés which were giuen to Reuben, Gad, place ageme fince that thele Zam: :. came shea andthe halfe Tribe of Adana/fe. So that thought were'450.yeares ancient inheritance ¢ opiniontwnius {trenoth thereofAbner : i Of Rabat Philadelphia: And inthe'pofleffion ofthe one! dr OF theother of thefe tWOST:buc inthe during:the rebellion of Abfalom and the fame for the of Machanaim Dania. abode chofeforthefeate of Zhbofers, during the warre betweene David ; 4 wetendail ‘e partofall the {alley betweené the Mountainesand vordas. For this Og was allo mafter Battaile was fought in the North-parts ‘of England, is called Heanen-field. In this Citie and thehoufe of Saul. ' of the Hiftorieofthe World; °" « In-this Citie of Rabbd , Was the Tron bed of Ogfound, isin cubites of length, = a foureof breadth. TheCitic wits cere. coe oo acid the Inhabitants flaine with Pew s_ great (eiierity, andby diners soa tthe firtt a noi thereof 77ias was {hot to on So having beene by diteation from Dawi appoinited tobe imployed in the leading of an af- fault, where he could not efcape: whereinalfo many ofthe beft ofthe Armie perifhed : and wherein Dauid fo difpleafed wags his affaires had‘ill fucceffe alterward, euen to his dying day: uu oe cage the ween seen Gold; oo4ie: Sim ts] Kings of Ammon ware: ms ee wich nae Vy a tt, heath . ts ep aca e + hi WHlTyr-Bele cand] their Idol,waighing a talent, which ts 60. pon vee CANTEE CHE COMMEIOR telelits DIL RDS Secr-33~ a Pto. time ofChriftians ithad a ae4osster _ vad= eee artes s. The Mountaines which are ac e a : 4 s Tribe, and that o at we : part ofRewben,arc thofe that Ptolomlecallech the hits of Hippies, a City of Calofyria: and styas.r6, * Trachones + the fame which continue ftom neere Damafcus vntothe Defarts of * mapav Strabo ; Mtodb: i 9 eis 1 isstocus ane dl hic? heiehb afper eee f Ro eyneee‘ os ad D2. ei Ci &falebrofus¢ Miners MoreeveeSomh eeeos aa then Wardis' as Hierotmattic whenceitape ube slp i e e iefe Ci : called Galaad or Gilead , from orth are' that | eee Se of ogithey chicfe kriowntdCity by the ratte of arccalled Hermon\forfo 240/2s-calleth them : The Sidonians name them tehae Hilsdlfo were cal+ pares was pra: hivitn, ites Shenir orhers Seir vf whi shivion,buethe Atmiorites Shenirothers Seir sof which ramedll thofe led;which part vedasland sdameb:land laftly,they are called Zibanns, for fo the Prophet pérly the bill Hieremie makes thertvall one, callidg che high mountainesofGalaad,the head ofLibanus. Bhir.289. Thee Mountainésaresveryfruitfullj:and full of good‘paltures; and hate manytrees Herem- 22, whichiyeeld Bal/zuum,and many orher medicinable drugs. The Rivers of this Tribe 55.,.9,¢ 9) the Riuet Jabocs Others doe alfo fancie another are the waters ofWimrah,andDiborjand ; Serantiich ri Jordan , out ofthe Rotkes ofArson;6falleth into 46 Riuerywhichrifing . §. VE Of the Annmonites,part of whofe Territories the Gailites wanke from Og the King of Balan. , Ba His Ttibé of Gad poffeft halfe the Gauntric ofthe Ammonites} whotogether with the'Moabites; held that part of Arabia Petres called Wabathea, as well % Re within.as without the. Mountaines ofGilead : though at'this time when »the eS Gadices wanneit, itwasin the poffeffion of sehomand Og,:Amorites:\and so therefore Ado/es didnot cxpell the Ammionitesy bur the Amorites, who had thtuft:the ifuesof Dor ouer the'mountaines Trachoses-orGilead,as before. "Afterthedeath of 0rhinielthe firitludge of 4/rat/; the Ammtonites:ioyned with the Moabites'againtt the Hebreweszand focontinuedJong: sephta ldge.of d/reethada great conqueft oucr one Wd. 16: of the Kings of 4minon, but his nameis omitted. Inthetime'of Samuel they were at peace with them againe. 8 ; Afterward wee finde that crue {| King of the Ammonites,called Wha: who belieg- . its ing /abes Gilead, aie them no other conditions but the pulling out of their right eyes." * "The reafon why y he tetidred fo harda compofition,» was brin W ( befides this defire to bring fhame |