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Show rash ere r ; > Lhe first Bookeofthefirpart'. a = aa RE oe Cuar.o §.2 2th Cravae§.gi we: = LataChaldeans, fucka people there were not ( Or,thisw as no people,afterthe Geneua) Affar(or the Affyrians \fouhded thy they carried awaytheir firong men captine , thiy 5 ' é Wiaussexcept ‘ies WHitnake i ‘, Phi is made defalate bythe Affprians, becaufe their walsfell together ve and Vatablus conuertit thus : Ecce terra Chafdijm,istepopulus tothe grounds Pagnion erat illic olives nam funcani t cam nawibu Aflurere arces illius pa iv contriafthe asserex uerantChalde Enelierunt adesei thed -hhelib us, this pofuit cam in ru. dalbbie- Ties ans, people sou nas Hain = WOiCD mM g : . >. - = ter)did therein affture ‘ any pp a ‘tainely or Shao ae bia fo called: and Gicere os, : r p. oe Soas this place of Efay, which breedeth fome doubt in.ce/yj th in nothing "ie contrarie opinion,nor in any part.weakeneth the forme r fection ahisiio nor the interpretation ofCamefler and Rabanw. Bor though other men hane not conceived (forany thing shat I haue readthat (ir isinth is place dinerfly raken(as for the fone as Omer, and ry VNWortny Nite became of hiine ar 3 OC <C TO tward ampli- did Babylon: Heniceit came to pate, Ofthe Citic whith gathe furic Ofthe River ¢ which worke t vp again fomepartofthe wall, ouet-bo meby 'of his ftood tll 4/evanweyy time; Whereupon hee pee 437 ?" vauntedthirs : Zi #o# thisgreat Babel which Thaue built 50 e Barbarians )bealfo inthe Hebrew Text, it is no- Jefe manifefh; thar the moftbarbatous Arabians of the ‘Defart and. are. the confronting, aridnext peopl eof all othe? ynto:it Potlchables isinovewere cal: led rachaldarwhich fignifieth defare Lands becanfe-it io neth totha F Are i (calling thofe Arabians by theriame ve tn i pbey are of all otherpeople the moft faluage \; eallin theta 7, eee a tanaxii i barhar Dot co ew Babylon, faith SicAuguftine: For {o did Nabhehotinio for'vaunt Himlelfe to beethe FounderofBabylon alfo, becaufe hebuil ualsa r eee ‘ ; LL. Of the Aéds ofNimrod avd Belus;dsfanre as ow they arekn owne, Vettoretirietdthe Storie, it is plainein Afefes.that Witirod (whit Philo inter. B preteth trawsfagtum: and Jalins Afritapes furna ofthe Babylatian AMonarchie, of whomthere Is medSaturne) was the eftablithet no othet thing Wwtitren, than that his Empir@ia the béginning confifted ofthofe 4. Cities a Meeadsand Chalnerandthat fromhence he propagated before remembred; Babel, Erech his Emipire intd Afyria,& in Af % Spria built foure moreCities(to Wit)Mymene, Rehobo th, hee {pent'much timein building Baber it elfING thdleCelahand Refem, And fecing that adioyHingand'chat His tranailes Werte manye , by whom reth. Andifthe word (forthe Barbarians or byth of, the onély finithed : alfo Ninus ofNinbue's Luan ynidein BabylonetpPob uit infhetirare'. She mich} ¥epaire or rea being thus;certainly (not ‘witho the Citic ofthe abalaces,whole calamities E/ay ut good probabilitie y wemay expound here noteth forterror ofthe Tyrians, 10 ethe Citic ancicntly called by. the Grtekes,Chaldeopolis: Thesand ¢ by Hecatews)Camerinas by Ptolomie, Vrcbo: and dams time inhabited) Andy vhet Citie ofChaldea:whic the fonnes ofShem,yntill ore easiitvall the Tranfla ; Rees "* deditand ruibed it 2 it may be vnderftodd}: that tionsitis faid,that AffurborlifourAffur the Founder-was the fonne of" Shem;and Affurthe deftroyerswere they jrians thofe that inhabited 77 ofChaldeswere at length opprefied dor a, to 'ruine: which thing. God {ecing, commanded, rahsmthence.to Carran, and font Canaan) And iftheforeHe brew word by Vietdblus and: Pagninns Conue rted (Ap/bips:) doe beare that fenfe.the {ame may, be thebetter approucd : becaufeitwas a as, this Citie ofFn was divaticient time Nduiga Port Towne : and'the River % farre VP ble, as both by: Phinieand Niger appt wa: that as Semiraenis was couitited the Foundrefie ofTygris,thatis, thatis,fromnf47 or Yreboarandthenmouth Teredon,& of Euphrates, by Babylon.and thence from by-Riuerand ouer Land they conucyed it into! Sprisandfoito angewith the Bytes: forit ftood by ake hes arate Wath Babel & Chalne did = which work his grand - Childe Winasahe hdwelling onthe eaft bankes ofthe Perfian Galfe,trading with the Tyrians(asthofe ofEde n,Charran,and Chane did) tran ported their merchandize bythe thegreat Lakes ofChaldex, through that part of.Ewphratesra Which paffage is now which fto typ. Etvs curfum vetuistas aboltvit (faith NigerAnd Pliesrecta wi Balas sitianYuin flumé n"iden a. hath worn away the chanuell,ofExphratesstheplace where the month thereofwas, isa Bay of [alt-water. Thefethings he fied andfinifhed,as Semiramis (this Ninus his Wife) wehaue heretofore noted) Tyre: asthey doe this da¥ to Aleppo. Soth Chaldces was aPort Towne,and:Lol en 7 ofthe one ofthofe Cities which had Intelli gen ce,Trade,and Exch He ki fi OF : F : Empite sid fiich 4 Citesifno bod Faevaueh ns teats 8poesia ese ihs thence,and howhe loftthat Empitt agaiiie or ated itt Najuis quefts ae largely written, ate Vaccording &quitted : whofe a@s'and éoh. my apprehttifion) fitee diffeling Froid truth. It will therefor€é be fourid bet agreeing to Scripture ‘and to Reafony and bet 22 eo Stccing withthe ftorie ofthar ase writte n by-ptophane Authors: that Nimod found Babel, Evtch,and Actad: atid Chalne, the firft ed workes and beginnings oFhig Empire,iccording to Azo/és, and that thefe'Workes being finith ed within the Valley ofShinaar,h looked farther abroad; ander in hand the worke OfWitits, lying héere vito the famee ftreame that the Tyrians of their future de muetion,waich(accordingly them : whertin(for the on more terrour) he maketh choice to note the calamities of)fell thole Places,Cities;and Regions,by whofe Trade theftate and greatnefie of the Tyréans Wis maintained; as by the Citicians har, tS from the Aacedonians, anid othier Grecian vaderthe nameofCrttin : alfofromT s by the Evyptians,the Chaldeans, andthe reft. For 7}we was then the Mart Town-of the World moft renow ned. And(as it appeares nour dil-10 courfe of Paradife)not the leaft part ofher chiefemerchandi ze camein by the Citievr or Frchoa in Chaldea,where the body or chiefe ftreame ofEuphrates ( euenthat ftreame which ruane ough Babylon & Otr#,which nowfallethinto Tygrss intothe Perfiaththr ') had his pallage n Gylfe: thoug h now it be ftopped vp-For(as the Arabians(chat defcended from Sheba and Kaama : the ee of : yon Ce ona % ) Sac ay Femi asaie aos to Idols; e ‘ . Rs . mi ‘heyaeenaqaniehcokseas 38 Renan |! arRe reued aa oF ito OF tnat hace, te a b¢ Wizeuethicn 4 thofe whichfeeke to fata giue him the honot thetedfdoe him by athouded erst eer fand pattsnbte in: fen Hees OpEis ; dio) IBelisift is Tippo Afr hon chapenater Founder of Niwene Cand fo the fonne an ywere anyla Pe . ae on e a aa ieneae-vee ae2 ips, eretled the Ror of "ythey ee eret e: ic thisoe re hetfeaoe Rigiwarenoe, oe Fits that a ae fakes at ce° etthoufoalt not reff ( {peaking tolthe Tyrians.) neither in the Land ofthe Chaldicans, for 3th PRUE" Saattances freine 4 -ceibid - ofthe ee the. Chaldees. by Affar (into whicht emoft of the po criticne OF Sem that came into Shingar,and werefeparate for the Idolat rie of the Chufites Bs rath hea ote tired themfelues)hath pothi1 ng i andNi } mrodiawsre : ichis Macedon ot Grete) aves ond thence wondenting *for Ailbails ie hiertiearfovfo 0 Ofthe Hiftorie ofthe World. af5em,whenheHe fpoken of,as a Bui es of,razand nfo as a re thereof, theri As the Affjrian arn certainely theéui ence of the truth, and agteem ent ofcir undermivedtbeir honfes; aud ruinea their Citie.. The Septuagint cxprefieit but ina pait :Verfesin thefewords : Et imterra Chalde ofanother a conrwit, making the fenfe perfect orum, er hac defolata eit ab Affyris, by cri prece ding Verfe, which i all k iea bethus vaderitood: ifthou goe ouer to Chittim(wh a re he came into Shinar' that worke of | Babellfach'as it wads )with the orhet three Cities,and the large foundation of Ninene , andthe other Cities ofAffjria which he builded( confidered with the want ofmaterials, and with other impediment s) were of greater difficultierhah anything perfo rmedby-his Succeffors.in inany Yeets after:to whofeyvnder takings timehad giuen fo great an increafe ofpeople; and the examples andpatternes of his beginningfo gredt an aduaniceméntand encouragement : inwho le ime(faith Glyall thefe Nations were called "Aderopet!! 2 eymbnis linynarumterreg, uifiones By reafon that the earth and thepe tch wtf? then divided: ft oor Bel,or Iupiter Belusfacceeded Nimro ; daft thofe acts and vndertakines there is little writte er he fidd reigned It. yeeres, of n. Forit is thought thar he fpent muck his time in dif-buy dening the'low Lands ofB¢hy/Jiy sand "drying arid" making firme ground ofall thofe ereat Fennes é& Guerflowné /Marifhes which adioyned ynto it. Foy any of his Warres ox conque(ts theféis no teport iother than oF his begun ‘enterprife'4Sank Sabatins King of Urmeniasandthole Parts of ‘seythiz whith ‘Rére/as calls Scythi a £4, W hofe fonne and fucceor Béreancs beeaine fubject and Tribur arie to Winws,thas ONCE Che warrerencticct, which was by his Father z-/p begutine, = Ue my? nae |