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Show a lila i atc The firft Booke of the first part - 66 -* 7 C "~ CuAP.5eG.6. and thin Ayresand temperate vfe Ofdyetypleafire,and reft:forthofe whichare built of rotten timberjor mouldring ftone,cannot ftand long vpright;on Ayre wefeed alwayes of abundance, andin every inftant,and.ommeates butat times sand yet the heauicload sia the midynaware finke hetto maketh rge Nature; whetwith we opprefile & onercha way; andtherefore with agood conftitution; a pure Aire, and a temperate vie of thofe thingswwhich Nature wanteth,are the only:friends and companionsof1a long life, fee eat d "oFliuing differ from that old time ? the tender bringing vp of Children, firtt curiofity hauing taught all nourifhed withthe Milke ofaftrange Dugge; an vonaturall Women(but the Beggar) to finde ut Nurfles,which neceflity only ought to commend but yet green ynto them : The hafty Marriages in tender yeares,wherein, Nature being uot yet any hath felfe her le branches,whi her replant & her from and growing, Wwe rent part) toot {ufficientto maintaine her owne top;and fuch halfe-ripe feedes(forthe moft in their growing vp wither in the bud, & waxe old even in their Infancy. But aboueall things the exceeding luxurioufneffe of this gluttonous Age, wherein we prefle Nature withouer-weightyburdens, and finding herftrength deteétiue,wee take the workeout of her hands,and.commit.it to theartificiall helpeof {trong Waters, hot Spices , andy prouoking Sawces; ofwhich Luca hath thefe elegant Verfes : Pharfelegs ---0 prodiga rerum Luxaries nunguam paruocontenta paraty: i 4. Fourth{eruple hath beene made, How the certaine knowledge of the Creatison came toMo/es, feeing. there wasno Story thereof written; and if any fuch Bd beene,, yetitis conceiued , thatall memory .of Antiquity perifhed inthe Jninerfall Floud. , peelte confider the curiofity.andpolicy ofelderages,we fhall find,that knowledge Et quefitorornmterra pelegog.ciborum Non auro myrrh ag, bibunt : [ed ourgite puro Ambitiofafames, & lanta gloria menfe, | Vita redit :fatis eit popalisfluniufy, Cere/y. O wattfull Riot neuer well content With low-priz'd fare ; hunger ambitious In Gold and Myrrhe theyneed norto caroufe, But with the Brooke the peoplesthirft is ferued: Who fed with Bread and Waterare not fterued. Pier-Mierogs. _ The Egyptians affirme,that the longeft time ofmanslife isa hundred yeates,becaule the heart ina perfect body waxeth and groweth toftrength fifty yeares,and afterwards bythe fame degree decaycth and withereth. Epigenes findeth in his Philofo phy, that thelife ofman mayredch to the period ofan hundred and twenty yeares,and Bero/wto a hundred and feuentecne yeares: Thefe Opinions P/iny repeateth and reproueth,prodicing many examples to the contrary. In the laft taxation, numberandreuiewof the x Pindze29- eighth Region ofItaly,there were found in the Roll (faith Pliny) foure & fifty perfons ofan hundred yeares ofage:feuen & fifty ofan hundred and ten:two. of an hundred & fiue & twenty: foure,ofan hundred and thirty:as manythat werean huridred & fine & thirty,ora hundred & feuen andthirty years old:& Jatt of all three men of an hundréd and forty : and this fearch was made inthe times ofVefpafiae the Father and the Son. The fimple dyet and temperatelife ofthe Effans gaue them long accountof many years:fo did it to the Secretaries ofEgyptian Ceremonies,to the Perfians Magicians & Lof-ant.1,1 3.0.8 Indian Brachmans.The Greeks affirme out of Homer,that Neflor liued three Ages,& Plital.7.6e48s Th refias {ix,Sybilla three hundred years,Endymion ofthe lefle Alia little lefs: Alfo ata/aniff of Numidia lined very long,&Dazdeof Ilyria.Among the kings ofArcadia manylined? three hundred yeares (faith Ephorus.) Hellawicus affirmeth of the Epeians that fomeof nee liue full two hundred yearesand fo doth Diodorus Siculus ofthe Egyptians + &cthat theerepowsarenalosgepbbsingcihmanyeiswhoegi Dew aee oe ; ws yWAus wg Write, Hecateus, Ephorus, and others. An y Fume,an Hiftorian ofgood reputation reporteth, that in the yeare 1570.thett wes ee ae prefented to So/yman,Generall ofthe Turkes Army , who had out-live aeee peasne !~~ ibeole Gabntds of Definond of Inchiquin in il Ripder ie es .e many years | ince,who was marryed in Edwar bo Biter es 3 cr loynture fromall the Earles of Defimondfince then ; andthe sane asracagl fe Noblemen & Gentlemen of Munfter can witnefle, Strozzius cicogth!! ieees 4 Maffews,and the like Authors,telleth of fomethat haue not onely fat terme prefcribed by Epigenes: b eet ae witheredeft# the from repayred been bub s Buefrie Youth. freth ofdecrepit Ageto ngthof life,if wee note but t h e difference bY eene : ed : 2 . ut the differenc a peor the ability meninweareinrefpeé thofe daieswherin Galen the Phyficianliued,it may etf Bie vnto vs whatofReeds ofthofe Cedars of the firtt Age. For Gal 5 i ordinarily let bloud fix pound weight,wheras we(for the moft part {top at fixoulk :ne -- ee euis Sepa thetearethree things (not counting Conitellatiow) CO are the natural c: ac aa. s > : "a walt Cautes of a long and healthfull lifes(to wir) ftrong Parents,4 md ; writ before the Flond, . Et quantum Natura petat. Learne with howlittlelife may be preferued. §. VI: Ofthe Patriarchs delivering their knowledge by Tradition : apdthat ENOCH | Difcite quam parnoliceat preducere vitam: OfCares by Land and Seafar fetcht and fent: Vaineglory ofa Table fumptuous; of the Fiiftory of the World. wasthe greateft treafure that men fought for,and which they alfo couered and hid from thévulgarfort,as lewels of ineftimable price,fearing the irreuerent conftruction ofthe ignorant.andirreligious: {0 as whatfoeuer, was attained vato concesning Godand nis 20 Working innature,the fame wasnotleftto publike, difpute, but delinered ouer by heart > andtradition fromwife men toa pofterity equally zealous ; Ex animoia animsum fine lie Diem.Arcop: teru,mediointercedente verbo : Fram mindetominde withost Letters, by way of tradition. or word ofmouth, And it wasthought by Efdras,Origen, and, Hilarins, (as Mirandule con. Fel8., ceiueth) thar 4o/es did not onely vpon the Mountreceiuethe Law from God,but with. all, /ecretiorem Go -veram legis enarrationcm ; amorefecret and true explanation of the Lave « which, (faith he; out ofthe fame Authors,) hee deliuered by mouth to Jo/aah,and Jofaah tothe Elders: Forto teach thefe myfteries,whichhe calledfecretéora,to the rude multi- tude, were no other quam darefanClumcanibus,cr interporcos fpargere Margaritas, than to ], to Degges,and to caft Pearles before Sines. In {ucceeding times this vngine-holy things < wifedome beganto be written in Ciphers, and Charattersjand Letters and go derftanding bearing the forme ofbeafts,birds; and othercreatures; and to be taught onely to fuch as feruedintheir Temples,and to their Kings and Priefts: Ofthe firft the Cabala of the ewes was an imitation: the inuention ofthe otheris afcribed to Zoreafler , Mdercurias, , i 4 Cadmus, and others.; but falfelyThis Cabala importeth a Law,receiued bytradition and ynwritten.Cabala in Hebrew Cabala eftfier is receptio in Latine,anda receining in Englifh. Andthis cuftome was alfo held by the ee Druids &Bards of our ancient Brittans, & of later times by the Irith Chroniclers cal- pyr." led Rimers.1fthen fuchas would feem wifeft inthe vfe ofreafon,wil not acknowledge, Miram.110-fold thar the ftory ofthe Creation,or beginning ofall things,was written by infpiration,the 40 holy Ghoft guiding the handofMofes ; yet it is manifeft, that the knowledge thereof might bytradition (then vfed)be deliuered-vnto him by amore certaine prefumption, than any or all the teftimonies which prophaneantiquity had preferued & leftto their facceffors:: which their wife men(as they terme them) did lay vp and defend from the iniury of the timeand othet hazzards. For,leauing to rememberthat dam inftru&ed Sethavid. Seth his children:andfucceffors, which cannot be doubted of , it is manifett; that dethufalem liued together with Adam himfelfetwo hundred forty and three yeares, and Noah with Methu/alemnoleffe than fiue hundred yeares': and before Weab died, Abraham was fifty and eight yeares old ; from whence this knowledge by aneafie : and ordinary way might cometo Ifrael,andfoto Mofes. 50 But befides this tradition , it is queftionleffe, that the vfe ofletters was found out in the verry infancy of the World, proued by thofe prophecies written on pillars of ftone and brieke by Exoch :of which Jo/ephus affirmeth,that on¢ ofthem remainedeuen in hissofttx. time (meaning belike fome ruine or foundation'thereof )whichpillars by others are a {cribedto seth. But of thefe prophecies of Exech , Saint Jade teftifieth ; and fome port IndEpu.rgy ; ofhis Bookes (which ‘contained the courfe of the Starres , their names and motions) O+orjgen.riamite (faith ofSaba Queen the of Dominion the felix,in 4rabia were afterward foundin Pages. It 147 Num, rigeaofwhich Tertullian affirmeth,that hee had. feene and read fome apele is not therefore fttange,that Mofes came to the knowledge of the Creation, and Rory, |