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Show T he fecond Booke of thejirit part Cuar.rz.§,8, --------- of the Hiftoryof the W orld, CopsraaigA. fromthat illuftrious deliuerance out of I the principall ofhisbenefits to Ifrael,\ Scripture(as likewile are the yeereand n yeere vponthat occafion changed; but fhould ; a ‘Townbyfixe hundred men,that robbed a Chappcll by ti Idols to be their guides.as not going to worke in Gods name upon Cedeman buildeth, hath either no time giuen to it,or ati le muft ne icly,in {eek whichhe fuppofeth,and is indeedrather by him placed in fuch a ftood withhis interpretation fo to haue it,than for any certaincty thing it felfe. Wherefore we maybeft agree with fuch as affirme that th herein labourto fet downe the courfeof timeexactly , the rape of Helen 1g then in Sparta, an putpofe) but onelyto thew that God,who hadch« fer themout ofbondage,and ruled themby /wdgesand Prophets, yntot raife vp out LerdJefus Chrift out of the feedeofDanid the King, Crowne waseftablifhed, and promife made of aKingdome that Nowin reheatfing briefly thus much which tended as a Preface t ; tio Greekes confumedt d burnt inthethird yee ] farre from labouring to makeanexact calculation of tin knowne &beleeued ofthe Iewes to whom hepreached)that he fj of the 40.yeeres confumed in the wildernefle,whereofno man « Godfuffered their manners in the wilderneffe about 4 ceededfaying,that from diuifion ofthe Landvnto thedai es Of Samael} t in whofetimethey required to hauea King,therepaffed about 45 0.yce! heftand totell them,thatan hundred and cleuen yeeres of bon middle while,were by exact computation to beincluded withir fudges : for this had beene an impertinent digrefsion from theareun in Italie. Habdox 20 Ifraels oppreflion by hycere of fair J} in hand.Wherefore it is nota worke fo needfullas laboriou sto fearch out of } 1 r t Oo. arme i eenetrue that they were; trhe Philiftims with fo pow , ift their owne brethrentheIf t time, thatthey feared. no other ‘enemie. / owne deliuerance uerthrowne,it {ee ¢ thefe 40.yeeres muft either bee fupplied elfewhere; as in thétimeo Nowthat the words of S.Pasiif there be no fault in the Copiethrough fome Scribe)are not fo.curioufly to be examinedin matter ¢ £ Chronole bteri ie, x & es after Troyt 40. fonnesand 30.¢ that whichthe Apoftle did nothcere intend to teach.when the fumme of 480.V¢ ee eects ms memory& apprehenfion of the vulga arre of ‘Troy (a had fixe y aal, did lowing(wherin hee fneweth Chrift to haue bin the true A fo exprefly and purpofelyfet downe. *, Others refer this le,deliuered oWard: orelfe they muft be referred to the iater-reguum betweenethe dea and the deliverance of Iftael by Samp/ox, {uchas it was. ee € 0 1€ Lame place 4.0.yeers to the reigneof Sau/ : wheras it is manifeft that thofe yeeres were dinided between San/and Samuel,yea, that farre the them were {pent vnder the gouernment ofthe Pro j they oe ohet,howfocuer ded : =5 Pas ay : ie opnct, tocuer they are inthe raigne of the King.As for thofe that with fo much cunning f rall opinion,whenit fauoureth not fach expofitionas theybri ng out o ter part of Cuar. XIII. are!here inclu Of the Warre of Troy. tohelpe where the needisnotouer-great; Thad rather commend pheitail followtheir example. TIhe words of $ ° Paul werefufficie infificd1 by rexBereaa®, galaits, 45 ' 4% ntly 1uftihted Clently : iuftified by B tently refere. nce toa cormmon opinion among the ‘Scribes hauing in thofe ney aiget 101€ dayés, da tthat hat the the 11! yeers E the 329. veers afcribed ee ses offeruitude were to be reckoned a art from to the ae which account) the Apoltle W ould et sake chofe Sana 339-yeers alcribed tot p §..1. ¢ notin this place f{tanz contradi k but¢ £4rather and to contradiét, ee é ce tae Rings of Troy with a noketouching the ancien ; ; aul truth. tis re toiprake . thev ulgar,qualifying it with a quafi,wherehefaith,guafi guadringe™ i LA io not =. > , 7 antes As tt werefoure Guag hundred andfifty yeeres, But Codemanbeing MASEM na annie, LOT thus.co wonld needs nenjJe haueit hear. 2. be fo indeed, : e e dif-ioynes the memb¢s pe content ntented edwould and therfor | Warre at Troy with other ftories himfelfe againft a notable Text,whe" fo doing ee upon:Eee.aue builded as wellhedatheth they might and ought) that purpofely and per the ruineofthis Citie, by molt Chroze to make the ates : : : cifely dothcaft Vp the yeeres fromthe departure j aitr ~ 1 out of} ‘oy pt,ynto thebuilding > 3 BEES Ne 14 Lorons TeA mple,not omitting the very Monethit felfe, { rahi Now(as commonly thefirft apprehenfions Sreficn Y i Laine alceidy ciuen ae neaty a t ohis owneinterpret reftrongeft) hauing already 1 to find fome 0" it more needful es Srthg Paul,he thinketh © xpofition } {lor forthary that wnich 1 $ . . -nniccule moft plaine,and to examinehis owne conic" C, ¥ pone pon.a placethat is full.: lofcontro ofc8 of it felfe eT : uerfie. Thus by expound aftera ftrange methors, t2 hatsvhich manifeft by ¢}that which tis: is Ge obfcure, he lofeth ing, ; whetoh ony iseH esEDY him({elfi 'e waies t nbefore him neuer man wal gnesdteth bimfelfin thote w e i oe uf ifone na " gilie 6 reafon 0 dvrge him ; to giue ; reaf 0 theref: Dew opinions,he mutt needs ked. Surely y if cfhoul rf, fiver.‘5 That Orhoniel could not gouerne aboue25 ne >ecaute then was the takin2g Of Laifb,at which time there was no Kiag in Lracl; That panltes i Habdon, Ideof 1/7ael, whominthelaft placeIh: S 3 ther choofe here to intreat ofin one entire nafrati t the lineall defcent oftheir Princes,than to break tl | by rehearfinga-part in diuers yceres, the diuerfity of occur The Hiftorie of the ancient Kings of Troy.is vncertaine, in regard both of ginall, and of their continuance. It is commonly held that Tewcer. Dare thetwo founders of that Kingdome. This is the opinion of Virgil: yhich if ace (2 Reineecius thinks) tooke fromBero/ws , icisthe more probable s if -Amaié borrowsa of him, thenit refts ypon the authority of /#rgé/, whofaith thus: Creta louis magni medio iacet infula Ponto: Mons Idens bi, Cr gentiscunabala mofira. - Na 3 Centum DCE M74 |