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Show Thefecona Bookeof thefirStpart ~Gua: IBiG.a 4) {tratagem. Themanaging ofthe bufineffe is thus del inered.in briefe ; That-he; andhis wellaMured'to fecleit ofteri off heowltloites.Butehis wasd Document yntothe Scys thidns-or rathet Saveiatians (for Nouogradftands:inthe Connery that wasicalled Sars matia)to beware ofabfenting themfelues any morefolong fromtheirwiness which af Medes.feafted thé betterpart of the Scythians,made them drunk,andflewthem recouering herebythe poffeffion of all that they hadloft. Such another {laughter was committed vpon the Danes.in England;butit was reuengedby theirConntrimen,with greater cruelty than euerthey had practifed before.That the Scythians which efcaped this bloudy feaft, made anyflirrein Media, I do notfind, neitherdo I reade that eitherif reuenge hereof,or yponotherpretence,the Medes were terthis,] finde not that theydid. it isthe moft memorable act performed abroadby that Nation,famous in Hiftories,and terrible to many Countries , but for thatit appeares to haue been great caufe of the E- gyptians preuailing hithertoin Syria,and about Iudza,which continues yet a while the centre ofourdifcourfe. This is the more ftrange, for thatthe Army returning home out of Media, was very. fitong,8encountred with oppofition(as Heredotms reports it)no lefle thanit had found 10 abroad. Wherefore itmaybe, that the deuice of Cyaxaresto free his Country, tooke ens tenons 10 §.V. OfPrinces lining in diners Countriesin thef¢ ages. goodeffect, with leffe bloud-fhedthan hath been fuppofed. Forif he furprifedall the chiefofthem,it wasno hard matter to make a good compofition.Many ofthemdoubt: leffe in eight and twenty yearshadfo well fetled themfelues,that they were defirous of reft,and might be petmitted,without any danger,to remaine inthe Country; many(of whom I :fhall fpeake anon)hauing done what they could in the bufinefle, for which they came forth, were willing to returne home with what they had gotten ; {uch as were not pleafed with eitherofthefetwocourfes, might goe ioyne with the Cimmeriansin Lydia , or fecke their fortunes in other Prouinces among their owne Companions. Whereasall the Families of the Northare faidto hauc bin with Wabuchaduezzar,it may20 bevnderftood., thata great part of the Scythians, vpon hope of gaine, ordefire to keepewhat they had already gained, were content to become fubiect vnto Nabula/far :mens loue oftheir wealth being moft effectuall, intamingthe more vnquiet loue ler.35.93 ofinordinate liberty. This is certaine, that Nabuchadwezzar,as everafter,fo in his firkt beginning of warre, did beate the Egyptians, who inages foregoing had been accuftomed to deale with the Babylonians after anotherfafhion: é&this newfuccefle ofthat King may be imputed, in regard of humane meanes, to fuch addition as this of new forces: Ofthe Scythian Armyreturning out ofMedia,diuers Authors report a Story , which confirmes mein the opinion,thatthis Company went forth to, affift their kinred and 30 friends,in acquiring a new feat,andeftablifhing their plantation.For thefe had lefttheit wiues behindethem ; a good argumentto proue that they meant to come againe. The Scythian women;to comfort themfeluesin theit husbands abfence,becamebed-fellows totheirflaues.. Thefe got alufty brood ofyouths, that were loth to be troubled with Fathers-in-Law,and therfore prepared to fight with themat theirreturne.Ifthey wer onely the children offlaues,which compounded an Army (as Herodotus would hauest, whotels vs,that the Scythians were wont topull out.all their bond-mens eyes)it mutt needes be that they were very Boyes,or elfe thatthe Womendidverylittle whilecot tinue chafte. Wherefore Trather béleeue that taleasit is told by the Ruffes themfelues, F who agreeingin the reft withthe confent of Hiftories,makethat report oftheir Anctfrorsreturning homewards,which I will fet down,as findeit in Mafter Doctor Fletie" Ruf. communhis exact difcourfe of the Ra/fe Common-wealth.T:hey underflood by the veay,that their cho Poke lopey,or Bond-flawes,whom they left at homebad in their abfencepoffeffed their Townts,Latass HosfesWines,and all, At which newes being fomewhat amazed , and pet aifdaining Villany oftheirferuants, they made the more [peede home: and fo not farre from Nowgrs* met themin warlike manner marching againft them. wherenpon aduifing what wa bef to bee done,ebey agreed alfotofet vpon them with no other(hew ofweapon but with their horfe-whip‘ whichsas their mannerts, eucry man videth withall) to put them in remembrance of their f° uilecondition.thereby toterrifie them, and abate their courage. And fo marching on,analaje- ing All tozetherwith their whips in their hands, they gue the onfet : which Seemed farerriele s° inthe eaves oftheir Villaines, aridftrooke[uch afenfe intothem ofthefmsartofthe whip,wbit". they hadfelt before,that they fled altogether like sheepe befare the Driners, In mem) 4 this witlory the Novogradians enerfince haue flamped their Coine (which they call « DIMI fhaking 4 wm? & Nowogradskoy, currant throuzh all Rufiia) with the figure of a Horfeman loft in his hand, Iemay feeme,thatall the women ofthat Country haue fared the WO" ¢ ener fince,in regard oftheir vniuerfall fault: for fuch a Pudkeyor whip,as terrified 80" flaues,curioufly wroughtbyherfelfe,is the firft prefent that the Mofcouian Wile, intime of wooing,fends to him that fhall be her husband,in token offubiections re oF ol bos Thus muchI thought good to fet downof the Scythian expeditionjnot only becaufe troubled byinuafion from Scythia.in time following. Heredliby. oftheHiftorieoftheWorld. == Cuar.28.§.5. ; Auingthusfar digreffed from the matters.of Juda, to auoidealifurther occafiHL: of doing thelike, I will here infert anote of{uch Kings and mea ofmarke as were betweene the death of Azanaffes | andthe ruine of Ierufalem. Ofthe Egyptians;Babylonians,Medes,and Lydians, I haue {pokenasmuch as I thought need full. InRome, Tas Hoflilins held the Kingdome, vatill the Gne‘and twentieth yeafé ofJofiareat' which time Avcus Martins fucceeding ; reigned foure and twenty yeares, Rb Afterhim'L. Tarquimius Prifcus, a new-come ftranger, but veryrich, preuailed {o fare by his gracioufhetfeamong the people,that he gorthe ingdometohimielf; difappoins ting thefonnesof Aveus , ouer whom he'was Tutor. He begaminthefourth yeare of Zedehia, and reignedeight and thirty yeares. Inchis time itswas, namely, in the fee condyearofthe thirtieth Olympiad,that the Lacedemonians bethinking them howto beauenged of the Arcadians , whogaue fuccourtothe Meffenians againftrhemin the former:war,entred theit Territory, took the City of Phigaliaor Phialia, from whence their Garrifons were fooneafterbeaten out. Cypfélas expelling the race of \the Baciday made himfelfe Lord of Corinth about thefe times,& gonernedit in peace thirty yeares; leauingfor fucceffour his fonne Pertander, oneofthe feauen Sages, but acruell T yrants 9 Whoamong othervile acts,flewhis owne wife}& afterwards,asin her honour,ftripped all the Corinthian women ftark naked, burning their ap parreyas anacceptable offering to her Ghoft. Hereby we may perceiue, that the wifedomé ofthe Greekes was not excellent inthofe dayes ; when fucha oneas this could. be admired ‘as excelling all the Country. Inthefe times alfo wete Zalencus & Dracé,famous Lawginers,the oneamong the Los ctiansin Italy;the other in the City ofAthens. The Lawes of Dracowere fo rigorous} that hewas faid to haue written them with blond : for he rewarded euery.{mall offehce with death. Wherefore his Conftitutions were {oon abrogated, & powergiuento Solom by the Athenians,to make newin their ftead.Butthe Lawes ofZeleucuswere very mildé . He forbad. any Gentléwoman to walk abroad with more thanone Bond-wontan atten ding omher, Unleffeit were when (be was drunkes or to goe forth of the Towne by nightj volefleit were to fome foeet-hearts bed: oftodrefle herfelfe vp in immodeft brauery, voleffe itwere to inueiglea louer. By which pleafant Ordinancés,he effected his defire: fornone would feeme, in breaking: the Statutes, to be in {uch cafe as challengedthe di{penfation. It is noted inthis manasa fingular exampleof iuftice;that when his own fon had committed adultery, and was therefore to lofebothhis eyes, he did not caufe him tobe pardoned, but gatic oneeyeofhis owneto faue the young man(who alfo loft oné) from vtter blindneffe, 2 Tfhall nothenceforth neede fo farre to wander, as hitherto I often haue done,ift 5° purfiting ofactions collateralltothe Hiftory, forinferting themin their order oftimes The Chaldeans will foon fall ynderthe Perfians: ere long.encounter with the Greeks: the Greeks,with the Romans:the Romans with many Nations.Concerning all chefe,as theythal! fucceffinely prefent themfelues, in their fourifhing Eftate;it will beenough . recapitulate the mot memorable accidents, that befell them in their Minority. = eta long tpace of more than thirteene hundred yeares ; whichpaffed between wwhierin te? of Abraham, and the deftruction of Terufalem, wee finde little matter, PA eee of Iftael hadany dealing with other Nations, than the very neaxeft 5 « Yet read we. of many Kingdomes, thatinthefe many ages were erected, and |