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Show T be fecond Bookeof the first part Caras §:3, Cuarirzsi§ig, molt likely it is, that hee had formerly dif-inheritedthofc tio, and conferred the Em. pire on « Tarvaddon, Tobit telsvs, thatitwas fifty fic day es after Senmacheribs veturh, ere hee was Tiglarh Pbilsjfar. y 309 Ss , 27 Who feigned} o> 'yeeres; Salmanafpar, Sénacherib: Affarhaddon. 7 10} But forafmuch as thelaft yeere of Salmanaffar was alfo thefirtof Senacheri b his fon we reckon the time, wherin the houfe ofPha/ held the Affyriah Kingdome, to haue bin GTI. Of Ezekias his ficknci/eand recouery; and-of the Babylonian King that congratus, lated him. 10 an hundred and one yeeres, ofwhich, the laft fue and twenty wete{pen t vith Beechia, 16 viderSa/manaffar,Senacherib,and Affarhaddon, The Kings that were in Media during the reigne of Ezechia: Of the diferéncefound bet ween fandry Authors, iivebearfing the Median King}? Other Contemsporarits of Ezechia t of of God to promife him recouery afterthree dayes, and a prolongation of Life for fifteenie yeares.: "But Ezekias: fomeswhat,doubtfull of this exceeding grace, prayetha figneto confirme him ;, whereupon, at the,prayer.of; J/aiah, the fhadowof the Sunne Candatiles,Gy ges; and the Kings de/cénidedfromBereutes, 1: Nthetime of Ezechis, Medidis, and-after him Cardiceat, reigned in Media.' Whe: Jes itwere fo, thatvariety ofnames, by which thefe Kingswe recalléd in feueralf degrees, vpon the Dyallot 4- chaz. The caufe that moued Ezekiasto lament (faith » becatilehe2? had asyetnofonne, and thenin defpaixe thatthe Mefiias fhould comeout of the houle = § IITI. Fretthis maruellousdelinery, Ezekéas fickned, and was told by //asah, that hee deliuery,, ais, Ave dye: butafter hee had befought.God with veares for-his as hee was going fromhim, ‘returned jagaine,-and had, warrant from theSpirit caftit felfethe contrary-way, and went-backe tenne a Diy I48c ; fy) Phal Belobbui Ba Ad murthered by his fonnes 3 »during which timehee ew great numbers of the Uraclites'in Nineue, till the moft suft God: thrned the {word againft his! owne brett. & King 20, of the Hifory ofitheWorldy 20 Hiftories, hath caufedthem to feémé ‘moré,than indeéde they were s orwheth er the fons reigning withthe fathers, haue caufed not only the Ranes of Kites butthe length of ‘Time, wherein they gouernéd Media, to exceede the due proportion 1 OL of Dawid ; oratleatt ofhis Secde.. ‘His difeafefeemeth to bethe peftilence., bythe medicine given him by theProphet ,:to,wit, a mafle of, Figges,. layed to the Botchor Sore. whether the Copies themfelues, ofCtefizs and Ansias his MctaBheneshaue beenfault as neither ofthefetwo Authorsis oner-highly commended oftruftineffe: fo it is if the names,a time Exekias fhewed himall the Treafire he had,, both in the Gourtandinthe King: dome: for which hewas teprehended by the Prophet i/ziah, vvlo told him, Theaus Kings,that follow Aréaces: therefore it needenot sees ftrange; that T reckon Aedidus and Cayaicessas comtempo raries WithEzekia. For to recéncilé{o great a difference,as is found in thofe Writérs that vary ftom Ea/ebiwe,ts more than I dare yndertake1 Willbn umber,and length ofrcigne, are all very dinerfly teported ofthefe Median This wonder when the Wife-menof Chaldwa had told to. Merodach, KingofBa bylon, thedirtt of that houfe; he fenttoEzekéas, to be informedof the caufe x atwhich areathand ; that all that 4 in thine bonfe , and what[ocuer thy Eathers haue lijedp 10 fore tothisday\, {ballbee carried into Babel; nothing fhall be left, faiththe Lord, Itmay39 ly here fet downtheroll ofKings that reigned in Media,accordingly as {undry Authors jo haue deliuered it. Anpinshis Metaithenes orders them and their teignes thus : feemeftrange, how zeke fhould haue got any treafure worththe fhewing : tors nacherib hadrobbed him of all; the yearebefore. But the fpoyle of the fame Senarhee vib his Campe repayed all with aduantage;, and made Ezekss richer vponthe fuddaine Arbaces. Mandanes. Sofarmen. Articarmin. Arbianes..... Arkaws, than euer ie had been: which vnexpected wealth was.a firong temptationto boafting After thistime Ezekéa had reft, and {pending without noyfe that addition which God had made.vnto his life ; he dyed haning reigned nine. andtw offenfiue Warre hee made, vvhich was again ft the Philiftims w monghis otheracts (fhortly remembred in Ecclefiaflicus)he deuif rufalem, Intwo refpedts they fay that he offended God: theone,t! at the deftruction and lamentable end. ofhis. enemic ;: the other in his riches, as he could not forbeareto{hewthem to ftra mooued Ezetias {peaking humanely) to. entertainethe Em this friendlyand familiar manner, was, becaufehe cameto a prefent, congratulating therecoueryofhis health, as alfo intl ned the he ve of Sexacherib, his fearefull. enemy. For J manderan Lieutenant vader Senecherib in Babylon sid c the 1att ye Artings Astybarse,vuith his cn a qo 22 20. or - 3.0 36 : : Divdanis Biculus-Following Ctofiasas perhapsAunius madehis Metafth eres follow Dio- OreW ith fomelittle variation,that he might norfeeme'a borrower)iplaceth thens 4 Arbaces: os x ‘ 5 Mandanes,{~° 3°" Sofarmus. of Le y : hi thus. (O45 god . ate 30 asew..._¢-who reigneds 50> veeres, ' aduantage Merodach e{pied,and remembring,that their anceftor Phad Belochms h own Mafter Serdanapalus befides the cufhion, thought it as lawfull for himfelte the opportunity which this Kings weakenefle did offer, as. it had been for Be" others wickednefle a ; Apands alone. Darinswith Crras viel lyin ofthat King, andheldit by. ftrong hand againtt his fon affarh : : andfo,finding himfelfe beloued of hel ans, and fifficiently powerfull, hedid put the matrerto hazzard,andpre fertion of this hiftory is made by thefame arguments that were vfed inn common opinion of Writers, touching PhulBelochus ; which I willnot hearfe. So ofthis newrace, which cuta-funderthe Line ofWinas, there We Kings. Fi fonng panda was notc'>- fimple, but impaired in ftrength,by.the moleftation ofhis brot make vfeof the ? £28), | ic ° {50 j ae 30. : 50 f a 224. rWwho reigned ¢ 40 yeeres; Mercator 22 | : ee at fs r artabanid| Cr. Affybara: Abyagess > Ke : Liat 5 ‘ Tee Phe continuance ofthele two he.doth hot micrition.* rey e hath laboured with muchdiligence,to reconci thefe Catalogues, atid to Tyake them alfo agree with Eu/ebins. But forafnuchas itlefeemes to me an impoffible Miattct, tOattaine ynto the truth ofthefe forgotten times, by coniectures founde d 3 dChefias vpon |